Running Away

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After me and Cole passed Kai, we went to the top of the bounty to grab some breakfast and sit watching the back of the bounty while the sun rose. It was somewhat still early in the morning, and somehow Kai was the first one up. He did seem disturbed by something, and he went back into the bedroom rather upset. As me and Cole sat down with our food we watched as the sun slowly came above the horizon. "You think Kai is okay? He looked mad, madder than usual" Cole said looking at me from a side. "I was thinking the same thing, maybe after we eat we can ask him what's wrong-". I was cut off by Kai's fire dragon quickly flying off the back of the bounty. "Is that Kai?!" Cole said loud enough to almost break my ears next to him. "Yea! Wait, why does he have all his stuff packed?" I said questioning what was happening. From Cole's loudness, Jay and Nia came to the back of the bounty. "Where's my brother going? He knows Wu and Misako will be back soon right? Nia said looking worried. Jay called out Kai's name at the top of his lungs, then we saw as Kai's elemental dragon stopped.
We saw at it turned around and faced us, then we saw a giant cloud of fire comming at us. We all were shocked and ran back trying to find cover. The fire didn't make it to us, but the heat made the said on the bounty move and the water around us too, then Zane ran out in a frightened look. "What happened? Mine and Pixel's sensors picked up a sudden burst of energy" then Pixel came from behind. "Hold on everbody, Kai must have a good explanation for not telling us." I said, "Then why did that hot-head fly off without saying anything"Jay telled. "Yea!" Cole said agreeing, "He couldn't even tell us where he was going!" he added. Zane then told us that we should wait until Master Wu and Misako return, and that we should let Kai cool off and he is surely to return for the bounty is his home after all. Pixel agreed and re-invited us all back to continue breakfast, persuading me and Cole to come eat inside with them.
After breakfast everyone seemed to believe that Kai was just having a bad morning, and we all agreed to go do training. However when we went to find the equiptment to set up, it was all burnt or in ashes. We all knew it was Kai, unless there was someone else who did it. Which we were sure there wasn't. We ended up doing 1 on 1 combat, and whoever won went on to fight the next opponent. Just like how Jay,Cole,Zane, and Kai did with the golden weapons trying to fight over who was the destined green ninja. We then were shocked when Pixel came and told us to come look at the news. Apparently Clause and Chen were back, somehow somebody opened a portal and found a way to bring them back.
"I'm reporting live from here in Ninjago City where a robbery has just taken place with footage of Chen and Clause stealing their possessions once left behind. Police have not confirmed the suspect who brought them back from their banishment, but we can confirm that they are real. This is no hoax, we persuade the citizens of Ninjago to stay in your homes as much as you can. Once again this is Gale Gossip reporting live from Ninjago City."
We watched in awe and disbeleif, and we were all worried on how Kai wasn't with us. Also the fact that Master Wu and Misako wern't with us. Finally it was heading towards the end of the day, and there was still no sign of Kai. 

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