False Memory

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It was the next morning, and I could hardly sleep. All I could think about is what Chen would tell me to do. I dreaded it, but I was angry more that he might tell me to use my fire. I didn't want to use it, and he knows I don't, but I doubt he cares. I could sence someone walking towards my room, it was Chen himself. "I need you to do me a favor" He said smiling, "That dumpster near Ninjago City that belongs to the blue ninja's family, I want you to burn it. Then you'll burn down the bounty tomorrow early morning. Head out now" Chen said sternly. I was hesitant, then felt a sharp pain running through my arm. It engulphed in flamed and it was hot. Clouse walked in and stopped it, "That's what will happen when you hesitate silly boy..." Clouse said with a smirk from ear-to-ear. I looked back at them, "Then let it happen, you said my friends wouldn't get hurt" I said glaring back at them. Clouse looked and Chen then Chen nodded, Clouse then performed some kind of spell and my vision blurred. My mind went blank and all I could remember was that I was one of Chen's top people in the organization, and that I was my whole life. I had these false memories, but I didn't understand. I was told again what to do, but differently, They told me to burn a dumpster since there were people there who were seeking to overthrow Chen. I nodded carelessly and, with my cloak, flew there on my elemental dragon. Once I got there I heard a sweet voice call out asking who I am, and all I did was summon fire and threw it all over. I surrounded the place, then started randomly throwing fire each direction. I saw the man with a phone, and hung up looking resiliant, like he had a plan. Then I saw a...A flying ship? A giant blue dragon came down like mine, and two people dressed in blue faced towards me. One girl with black hair, and the other with brown hair. Then others came and one started freezing my fire, and another covered some with rocks and dust. I was faced with the brown haired one, and a bold of lightning came at me, I dodged only to turn around and see him above me about to strike me down. I pulled out my sword and blocked him, we were in a position where our weapons were blocking each other. "Kai..?" He hesitently asked. Then a gust of wind came and my hood blew to the side a bit, revealing him alone my face. His eyes widened and he backed up in confusion. "What is up with you!?" He yelled and the others looked at us. "What is it Jay?" the black clothed one asked, "It's Kai!" he replied. I had my head tilted down, then looked up taking off my hood. Somehow they knew me, but I didn't know them. "How do you recognize me and know my name?" I asked stifly. "Are you joking? We're your teammates" a person dressed in green said. I then turned my body and pulled down my top's side revealing my tattoo of the clan, "I am one of Chen's. That's all I am" I said. With that I summoned fire and dissapeared behind it. I had summoned my elemental dragon and flew off. I then was directed to do one more quick thing before returning, and that was to get the one called "Zane". I was told he wore a silver or white, and had white hair and matalic skin. I saw him while in the air, and with the claws of my dragon, soared down and grabbed him. I then leaned down and grabbed him, cuffing him in the specific cuffs Clouse told me to use to keep his powers silent.
As we were almost there, the one called Zane spoke out to me. "I have scanned your brain and have correctly identified missing parts of your memory, Kai-" he said before I cut him off. "You do not know me, I do not know you. It's simple, you're the enemy" I said keeping my sight forwards. When we got to the island, Clouse took him. They were going to use him for some sort of bait to get the others, Chen applaued me for my work and told me about how I didn't like me fire since It was dangerous. "Why woudln't I like fire if I already knew the dangers anyways?" I asked, he didn't tell me what happened to make me thing that though. He dismissed me and I walked away. I was in the hallway infront of Zane's chamber, then had a sharp pain in my head. I froze in place and my vision went blank again. It was blurry and my head was full of pain, I ended up on the ground, passed out. When I awoke I was being treated in a medical area by one of Ninjago's medical doctors which Chen had abducted from the Hospital. I was told that I had a head injury, but it didn't make sence. I had no memory of injuring my head, not one slightest idea either. I layed there for a bit then was told to rest. They plugged in some tubes in my arm, telling me they were medications to help me with any pain, but I had a bad feeling about it. I didn't trust them for some reason, even though in my memory I had always trusted them. I was proud to be one of them from what I remembered, I didn't feel that way now though. I layed there for the night, then all I knew next was that there was an attack on the building on the far side of the island, heading the way towards the building I was in. The attack started in the building Zane was held in, and I was sure they would leave once getting him, but I was wrong.

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