Letter | Luztoye

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Dear George, no Georgie.

I hope this letter finds you well and safe. I just wanted to say that you're everything I think about.
This damn hospital sucks and I want to just be out there with you and the men.
I'm healing and getting better because of you Georgie. Hell, even Bill keeps asking me when I'm going to confess all my feelings.
Well now it's out.
I love you George.
I'm asking, begging you to please come find me after the war. I'll probably be back in Hughestown. Maybe Guarnere will drag me to Philly with him.
But I want you there with me. That's all I know about the future.
Now fight like hell and get your ass over here...

-Love, Joe Toye <3

George held the letter in Austria. He has received it months before. He also knew right next to Joe was where he should be. Not in this paradise of the end of hell. Waiting to hear if he can go home or if they're jumping into Japan.
George sighed and sifted through his breast packet then found the photo.
Him and Joe back in the Toccoa days. God, even if anyone outside of Easy knew or anyone opened their mouth. Joe or George could be prisoned. For loving each other.
In the black and white photo George sat on Joes lap, a cigarette dangling from his smiling lips. While Joe had his arms wrapped tight around George. Joes lips pressed to George's cheek.
That night was beautiful.
The night they earned their jump wings.

Joe fumbled with the mail as he crutched inside his small home. But then saw the name scribbled in George's hand writing. It was Joes.

I'll be back soon. With you, just us. Tell me where and I'll be there.

-Love Georgie.

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