Ways He Says I Love You-Webgott

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He loves me, I know he does but he won't say I love you the way I'd say it to him.
The way I'd say it to Joe is a simple, "I love you." Or "You look nice today, is that a new shirt?"
But with Joe it was never that simple, hell when I met him I swore he hated me.

When Joe wasn't cutting hair at his mom's salon or driving a cab for his uncle's company he was doing art of some kind.
Since Joe could hold a pencil he was doodling and drawing. As he grew up he became more and more talented.
Art class was his only escape as a child, I'd heard from his parents and friends when he was young he had trouble making friends.
Mrs. Liebgott was quick to stick him in therapy, Joe the first born of five.
In therapy Joe barely talked but spent most of his time drawing. She took his drawings and began to read his emotions that way.

As his childhood went on his art skills advanced colored pencils and markers turned into acrylic paint and watercolor. Stick figures turned into actual people. The sun in the corner turned to shading. Printer paper turned to canvas.
His mother still has his childhood art hung up around her house.

I personally met my bitter half my Junior year of high school. My parents moved us from a penthouse in Manhattan to a far too large house for three in Frisco'.
I transferred high schools and just wanted to push through.
I met Joe in my math class, he was passing notes with a boy across the room conveniently also named Joe.
The math teacher was a hard ass with no will to help a child but to rather get a paycheck.
Mr. Sobel will forever be the bane of my existence; However, one day while the two Joes tossed a crumpled paper ball across the room. It landed on my desk on accident the moment Sobel turned around.

"What was that?" the tall man got defensive, "Whose passing notes? David, what's that in your lap?"
The lengthy man stormed across the room to my desk holding out his hand.

"Sir, it's just a book. I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention." I held up the book I was in fact reading instead of listening to him drone on.

"Put it away. Mr. Toye? Mr. Liebgott would you know anything about a paper ball being thrown across my classroom." Sobel crossed his arms and tapped his foot. I looked between the lengthy skinny boy with a septum and the Pureto Rican boy with the lip ring and a Twilight hoodie.

"Nope," Twilight hoodie popped his P.

"Not a damn thing, Sobel." Septum piercing crossed his arms leaning back in his chair.

"Language Liebgott," Sobel warned, "You hear me, no passing notes. I will know."
The man then turned back to the board writing down and drowning on circular circumferences.
That's when my life changed forever, I unwadded the ball. It had some messy handwriting about how boring Sobel was and a far too realistic quick sketch of Sobel sucking a dick.
I glanced at who I knew was Joe Liebgott. His eyes were narrowed and his eyebrows furrowed as he watched me with the sheet of paper.

"Now," he mouthed with his hand extended for the note. I glanced at the other Joe as he played with his black lip ring with his tongue watching me and nodded to the other Joe. Sobel had his back turned and I shakily stood up and walked to the back of class and handed it to Joe Liebgott. He snatched it from my hand and shoved it in his jean pocket.

"What're you doing out of your seat Webster?" Sobel spoke up now facing the class.

"Joe dropped his pen. I was just giving it back to him. I'm sorry sir," I hurried back to my seat and tried to pay attention to the rest of his class.

At the end of class on my way out Joe Liebgott grabbed my backpack tugging me back, "Hey Web or whatever the fuck your name is. Don't go fuckin' snooping through other peoples shit...Don't ever think about rattin' on us either." Lieb barked

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