Chapter 6 (Part 1)

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As sure as Belmohd said, after returning to his office with my journals, he had a few different young humans off to the side. Shock painted their faces when I appeared from nowhere like a specter. Belmohd merely smiled. He was great at hiding his tells, so I wasn't sure what to think other than he had grown accustomed to it already.

He graciously took the journals from me, however, his brows furrowed in confusion as he flipped through some of the pages.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked, curious myself.

"What language is this written in?" he placed a finger to his lips for a moment, then to the page.

"Ah ... well, it's my native language, which I guess is a dead language in this region," I chuckled uneasily.

His eyes flitted up to mine and scanned them.

"I would say this looks like gibberish to me, but," he paused to glance back down at the journal before him.

"You killed Loht and Karnied. You are certainly no native to this region. I would even dare think you a champion of some God with your knowledge of a lost language and power," Belmohd leaned back into his chair.

The three scribes he had on standby looked at the two of us with flat faces. The way their eyes darted back and forth between the two of us made me think it was an attempt to conceal their surprise at the conversation they were listening in on.

"You wouldn't be too far off the mark," I loosed a soft scoff with a smirk.

Belmohd narrowed his eyes slightly and raised a brow in curiosity.

"Step outside," he stated, motioning for the scribes to exit.

As the click of the door echoed out, he took a single deep breath, exhaling in an almost exasperated manner.

"Dare I even ask which of the Gods? I feel as though nothing could surprise me at this point. Considering the avatars of Khral, Yuna are dwelling in the world, and apparently the God of the Caedic faith is roaming the world, I am of the mind that the world is about to face a great calamity," he looked me up and down and leaned back once more, unconsciously biting his lower lip a little.

I moved over to a chair and took a seat of my own.

"Well, you might not believe me even if I told you."

There was a long, drawn-out silence. It felt oddly deafening despite the muffled tumult of the people far below.

"My species lives a long time, Xavier. I have personally lived for almost seven-hundred years. In all my years alive, I have only read stories of the avatars of Gods descending upon our realm. The only exception to that was Fieldras, as she is always trying to escape The Abyss," it was obvious he was gritting his teeth as the sides of his jaw tensed up some.

"I can't tell you the entire story, but what I can tell you is that I am here as the champion of the Caedic God. The Goddess of that religion exists, and I am Her proof of that. There's a specific mission I've come here to do, but I'm not bound by Her will," I maintained eye contact as I explained the situation to him.

Belmohd's face distorted slightly as I spoke. It looked like a face of disbelief, but then it changed toward one of understanding.

"You probably have a Tarboleth under your control as well, then?" he leaned forward, folding his hands together and resting his chin on his knuckles.

I nodded, unsure why that mattered.

"This certainly changes the dynamic of things ... very well. We shall copy your journals for the kingdom's archive, as no one here can read your native language, but the information you have shared with me more than compensates," he pushed his chair back a little and stood with a light grunt.

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