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I watched Lauren walk out of the airport. Tonight has been totally crazy; I don't even know which way I'm going at this point. This baby bomb Lo dropped on me has me feeling like there's something missing from my life now. It's crazy because I'm just finding out but it hurts to know that I'm part of the reason my kid isn't here. I can't honestly ever apologize to Lo for that, I don't even know how she can forgive me. I understand why she left now. Me, and my bullshit was obviously too much for her, she's way too good of a person to even go through that.

I pulled out my phone to FaceTime Lo. After a few rings I saw the screen connecting, "umm are you not on your plane yet?" she asked, "man chill, they doing a last minute check before I board, I just needed to see you before my flight, one last time." "I see you miss me already, it's ok Lo baby has that effect on Papi." She said dramatically rolling her eyes in the camera. "Mmhm you do, but on some real shit I just wanted to say I love you girl,"  I saw the stewardess motion that I was able to board the private jet Danny sent me. "But I'm about to get on the plane, I'll hit you up when I land." "Aww Amir's getting soft on me, but I know baby I love you too, stay safe." She kissed her two fingers, and put it to the camera. I nodded my head and disconnected the call.

For some reason, Lo telling me to stay safe is ringing through my head, especially since I feel like I'm in limbo right now. Even though my lawyer is telling me I can go home after I turn myself in, I'm not so sure. I pull out my business phone, and call him. "Mr. Brooks, are you on the plane?" Danny asks me. "Yeah so what's the update, anything new?" "It's not looking good," he sighed, "The Attorney General is asking the grand jury to indict you on the Drug Kingpin Statute, naming you as the leader. On the other hand, their case is shit. A bunch of circumstantial evidence that will never hold up, especially now that their witness they're basing all these claims off of was found dead in his cell in Rikers." I nodded, expecting that news already. "So what do these charges mean to me, really?" "Amir, the feds are looking to give you life. They're trying to get a few bodies on this too, which means you may be looking at the death penalty." I hung my head, not believing what I'm hearing. "So you're still saying, after I give a statement tomorrow, I can go home?' "Yes, they still don't have any proof, I found out they don't have any main connections to you other than Grey naming you specifically as "Brooklyn" and then went into detail as to who you were, other than hearing the name Brooklyn in a few communications, Amir Brooks has no connection to whoever this Brooklyn character is, you two just happen to share the same nickname. They have absolutely nothing. With elections coming up they're acting reckless trying to get a high profile case. I plan on serving a motion to dismiss any charges filed by the feds due to lack of evidence." "This is crazy, I'm not trying to have the feds dig into my life, high profile case?" I asked confused. I cannot have the feds trying to dig into my past.

Even though I've done everything they're accusing me of. I'm responsible for so many others, and in that I've taken a few of the sins of those I care for. With the feds digging who knows what they will find and I wouldn't be a real nigga if I let those around me fall too. "I already talked to a federal judge who has agreed to sign off on my motion, so this is over before it began, you'll just need to lay low, and clean house. I mean it Amir they already have eyes on you." I let out a breath, this is a temporary fix, but now I know that they're watching me. I've got to clean house meaning, I need to wash all of my money, looks like this deal with Ace & Tony might be back on. "Alright, we're about to take off." "Good. I'll be at the airport when you land." I agreed, and we disconnected the call.

I lay back in my seat. Thinking past this case, I need to think about this shit with Dominique. I haven't told her I'm on my way back yet, I'm going to pop up on her after I make my statement. For the past two years, I made her into someone I wanted her to be, and she wasn't. Not on no cocky shit, but I took Dom to another level, I made her into that bitch in the streets. I moved her into the city, gave her a new wardrobe, paid for her to get her hair, and shit fixed regularly, made sure she had the finest everything. I always knew I wanted Lo, but for the moment I couldn't have her so I tried molding Dom into what Lo was for me, but that was wrong obviously. I'm going to get all her stuff moved into an apartment in the Bronx, I'll put her back where I found her. I'm not going to leave her homeless out here, but she and I are done.

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