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I looked down at Lauren after I told her I still loved her. I know I caught her off guard with all of my confessions, but I feel like she had to know. I'm always going to have love for her. She was my first love. I know that sounds all emotional, and soft but with Lauren it is what it is. "I'm always going to have love for you too, but if you meant for it to happen intentionally or by accident, it hurt all the same." She said looking at me. Her eyes were starting to gloss over, and I can tell she was holding back tears.

I shook my head, and got off of the bed, moving to the dresser to avoid looking at her. I hate seeing her cry, it's like looking at death or some shit. "I fucked up, I know that, but I just want us to be on some kind of amicable level. You are my best friend, there were so many times in these three years when I just wanted to call you, and tell you about what happened, or how my day went, and then I remember, I fucked that up with you." I admitted to her. I heard the bed creak, and her small footsteps come up behind me. She put her small hand on my shoulder, "I think it's good we're getting past this, I just want to move on, I've had those same moments where I would be about to dial your number or send a text, and just wouldn't. I want my friend back." She told me I looked over my shoulder, and she had a small smile. I let out a breath of air, "Good, now where's the L. You got me being all serious, and shit!"

I laughed as I turned around, while she scrunched her face up. "Nigga, you ain't changed! Here I thought you'd be an adult by now." She said laughing. "I'm grown as hell Lo! I run shit, you know that." I said as I lit the blunt, and blew it in her face. "Just because you got money don't make you grown, you still that little ass boy I met when I was 15." She said as she snatched the blunt out my hand. "Now tell me about your girl." I looked at her skeptically, I wasn't sure if we should talk about her. "We're best friends Amir, what we had is over, talk to me." She said as if she knew what I was thinking, shit she knew me like the back of her hand she probably did. "What you want to know about her?" I asked. "Anything." "Well I told you her name is Dominique, She'll be turning 25 in about 2 weeks. We've been together almost 2 years now. Um, she's cool, she's down to earth. Her ass can't cook for shit though. I think y'all would get along. Her ass stay shopping so I know you'd like her." I said trying to keep it light. "So y'all just dating or what? What does the future hold for Amir Brooks?" She said eating some of the snacks we got. "I don't know, right now she's looking right as wifey, but I still don't know if she would ride with me through the bad, all she's seen is good. You know how this shit is." I told her honestly. Nodding her head she said, "True, but you got to take a chance. It may bite you later, but you got to find out someway right?" "I guess, but what's up with you, and your 'friend'? You know mommy always tells me what's up with you." I said focusing on her instead of me. "I bet. She's probably talking about Ace, we're just friends we go out from time to time like the movies or out to dinner, but that's it." Ace? "Would this be the same Ace that owns Prism?" I asked with my eyebrow raised. "Yes, we'll be working together with the new Brooklyn location, he didn't tell you?" I smiled, "Nah, he didn't tell me, it's cool though, so you sure you and Ace not in some kind of relationship?" "I'm positive, he was one of the first people I met here. We vibe, and work well together. He's with someone though. I've never been the type to be one of many; I'm an only type of chick. You know that." She said looking at me seriously. If I learned anything being with Lauren it's that she don't believe in that main chick shit. She better be the only or that's yo ass. It took me 2 years to actually get her to be my girlfriend, gave up all my hoes smh.

"Yeah. But since you here, and we besties I wanna bounce an idea off you." "Eww that sounds gay, but go ahead," she said laughing. "I'm thinking about being legit like 100%. I don't think Chris is ready to, and I know he can run shit without me." I looked at her to read her expression, she sat silently for a few moments to think about what she was going to say. "Honestly, you should have never been as deep as you are. I never understood Brooklyn nor have I ever cared to, you're smart, and got so much shit going for yourself. If you didn't think about getting out I would be concerned, I'm glad you're thinking about getting out, I want so much better for you, I always have." I nodded knowing she was telling me the truth. I thought about when Lauren found out I was in the game.

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