5: Bibles & Bite marks

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--JJ POV--

I watched her walk through the doors and disappear, I tried my best to be respectful and not check her out but I'm just saying God or whoever doesn't make a body that fine to not be admired. And that a-- Suddenly I got dragged away from my thoughts by an extremely overwhelmed pope. He was now holding Sarah back as she kicked at Pope trying to break free, she had a murderous fire in her eyes and yet Bree kept poking at the bear.

"JJ man you've gotta help me man. She's gonna kill him." Pope screamed.

"I'm on it." I walked over and picked up Sarah by grabbing her from the waist as I dragged her away from John B and Pope.

"Maybank let me go I SWEAR TO-" She yelled as she clawed at my arms.

"Now I don't think any God would be too impressed with your behaviour right now." I joked which made her even angrier.

"What did he even say to you to get you this worked up?"  I was actually curious he was acting like a momma gator who just had her babies taken.

"He's just a shit talking bitch. YOU HEAR ME JOHN B YOU LITTLE BIT-" I covered her mouth, in return she bit down on my fingers so I let go of her immediately. She ungracefully flopped onto the floor.

As I was distracted with my now bleeding fingers she took off back towards the other two Pogues. She stormed right up to Bree and before him or pope could react... SMACK.

--Kie POV--

My keys jingled as the lock turned and I shoved the door open, it was a lot lighter than I anticipated and it went crashing into the wall with a loud bang. The sudden noise caused the other girl in the room to jump.

"Cheese on bread! You sure know how to scare a girl" The other girl said, she had a very thick accent. 

Huh, I guess she is from the Caribbean or somewhere. Cool.

"Sorry about that, the door is light as shit. I'm Kiara guess I'm your roommate." I introduced myself flashing her a hopefully welcoming smile.

"Name's Cleo, is u aight?"

"I'm good now I finally found the dorm."I sighed collapsing onto my bed. "Hey do you mind if I smoke a j?"  I'm in desperate need of the seat release of weed, today has been strange to say the least.

"Only if you give me a hit, K" Ok I like her already, but seriously why do people love giving me nicknames so much.

I took the bible out of my suitcase which caused cleo to look slightly scared. I laughed, she must of thought I was testing her or something. I open up the bible to reveal the hollow inside I use to store my weed and lighter. 

"I'll gih Jack 'e Jacket that's a smart ass hiding place" Cleo said smiling, I won't lie I have no idea what she just said.

"Thanks, I think?." I don't wanna be rude but I wanna understand her so I will find out where she is from and do lots of research tonight, it shouldn't have to be her job to educate me.

We passed the joint back and forth. 

-20 minutes later-

I'm not sure I have ever been this baked in my life. All I know is that I want Cleo to be Pietro to my Wanda, minus the whole bullet fiasco. Huh fiasco that's a funny word.

"Fiasco fiasco fiasco" I kept repeating it I can't even remember what it means.

We were now rolling round on the floor pretending to be a salmon sushi roll.

"Do you hear that?" Cleo asked suddenly sitting upright.

"No what?"

"Theres a voice, it wants us to go adventure. Out there." Cleo said pointing to the door.

We began crawling down the hallways, we got in the elevator.

"Press this it's so pretty" I said as we began pushing all of the buttons.

After what felt like an hour of floating we made it to the ground floor.

--JJ POV--

"Oh greats so you are just assaulting people now." Bree said as he rubbed his cheek.

Sarah cooled off the second her hand left her cheek, it even seemed like she regretted it. I was still pissed though, I have bite marks in my fingers - now I may look like a snack but that doesn't mean someone can actually take a fucking bite. Without my permission that is.

"I- I don't know what came over me. Shit I'm acting like my psycho brother." The ice queen of kooks actually seemed to be cracking, she was having a breakdown in front of three guys she probably hated the most in the world.

"I may not like you Cameron, but you sure as hell ain't your brother he can beat people bloody and laugh once he's done. You just had a moment we have all been there, me especially." I tried cheering her up, it's not that I'm a good person i'm just terrible at comforting people when they cry.

"Yeah to be honest I was fucking with you so it's not like you didn't have good reason." Bree shrugged.

"I'll just remember for next time that Topper only liking you for your title gets me a slap to the face." I couldn't tell if that was some weird ass attempt at an apology from Bree.

Sarah looked down at the ground at the mention of her boyfriend, she looked up almost immediately but I still noticed, strange.

"Well this is kinda getting awkward so I suggest we all head to our dorms before someone end use being a dead body for me to examine." Pope spoke up after a long, very awkward silence.

"Pope for the last time, we don't wanna know about your weird ass kink." I complained.

Even Sarah laughed at my joke. I was impressed maybe she wasn't just some stuck up kook.

"Maybank you seem to have a weird obsession with other peoples kinks, are you trying to deflect?" Sarah questioned raising an eyebrow.

"Shit she's totally right" Pope said.

"Come on buddy you can tell us." Bree said rapping his arm around my shoulder.

"It's a safe place." Sarah chimed in. 

I can't believe my friends are ganging up on me with a fucking kook.

"Ok you got me. It's been really hard for me to talk about coz as you all know I'm a very private person." I figure why not play along.

"Go on" Bree ushered me.

"There's just really something sexy about Hayward man, they way he delivers them goods on time everytime just really gets me going." I said making some rather explicit gestures.

John B and Sarah burst out laughing, Pope on the other hand shook his head trying to fight a smile.

However, all our laughing stopped as our attention was drawn to the motion sensored doors of the building opening to reveal something rather odd.

Kiara was crawling on all fours with a girl on her back riding the way cowboy would a horse. They also appeared to be singing the Star Wars theme except very off key and were each only wearing one shoe. They were definitely high and I need to try whatever they are on immediately.

All of us seemed to say some version of WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?


Sorry I have been flakey, but I read what I had wrote up til now and got some much needed time and motivation to write this today. Hope you like it, til we meet again.

-Steph :)

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