6: Grease Monkey & Big Macs

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--JJ POV--

"Kiara what are you doing? Get off the floor and were are your shoes?" Sarah said speedily running up the the other two girls who were now hysterically laughing.

I joined Sarah in helping Kie stand up as she hauled the other mystery girl to her feet. We sent Bree and Pope to go find the girls missing shoes and some coats considering it was freezing and they were in crop tops. I was now holding Kiara up, she kept touching my hair and face. Which is sadly not the way I imagined her touching me would go.

"Your hair is so prettyyy. Your eyes are so blue like the ocean and those muscles!" She ranted on.

"Hey Kie I need you to focus, what did you take?" I tried to remain serious and ignore the fact she was basically hitting on me.

She reached into her pocket and pulled out a half smoked joint. I plucked it out of her hand and rolled it open to examine what was in it.

"Jesus." I new this type of weed all to well.

"Is there rat poison in it?" Sarah asked obviously freaked out.

"Nah just a strong ass strain of weed it's called 'Grease Monkey' I'm surprised they are even still awake. It's gonna make for one hell of hang over tomorrow." I saw Sarah's face slightly relax at that.

Kiara was now snuggling into me as her teeth chattered. I sighed before pulling off my black hoodie. Great now I am cold, why do guys always do this in the movies?

"Here" I said handing it to her. She greedily snatched it out of my hands and swiftly pulled it onto her. She must really be high coz she managed to have her arm coming out of the hole for the head, I had to guide her into putting it on correctly. Once her head popped out our faces were so close our noses were touching.

I saw her close her eyes and lean in. I immediately stepped back, she was high out of her mind and plus if I'm gonna ever kiss her she will definitely remember it the next day.

"Kie that's not a good idea, you have known me for a day and are high as fuck." I didn't wanna be harsh but I needed to make the message clear to her, hopefully not embarrassing her in the process.

Instead of the reaction I expected she burst out laughing.

"What?" I asked confused.

"You said fuck." She barely got out the words in between her giggles.

"Sarah she is really losing it what do we do?" shah looked to be struggling the her drugged out she was hugging.

"Well this is Cleo, her roommate so we could just lock them in to room and keep watch so they don't do anything stupid." shah suggested.

"Sounds like a plan to me." With that I slung Kie over my shoulder and carried her to her dorm, where I found Bree and Pope frantically searching for the lost shoes under the girls beds.

"Seriously it has to be under here, we have looked everywhere else." Pope said frustrated.

"How can two shoes just magically vanish?" Bree sighed as he swept his hand under Kies bed - I could tell since her bag was on it.

"So the search is going well" I said clearing my throat.

Bree quickly moved form under the bed to look at me, Pope smacked his head on the bed as he attempted to do the same.

"Bree Sarah needs you help getting Cleo up here, Pope can you move Kie's shit so I can lay her down on the bed."

Pope quickly grabbed her bag and I dumped her on the bed. However, she decided she wasn't letting go of me just yet, as I went to face pope she jumped on my back basically forcing me to give her a piggy back. Unfortunately, for Pope I wasn't expecting the sudden movement from her and the force sent me crashing into him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2021 ⏰

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