Chapter 9: A Glimmer of Hope

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A/N: Hi y'all! Sorry for such long gaps between updates. I had a hard time getting this chapter started, but once I got going, it didn't take me long. Fun fact, I actually finished this chapter last week, but got too excited to start the next chapter that I started on that one. It should be a little shorter, so it should be out within the next few weeks. Enough of my rambling, let's get to this chapter! More familiar faces are slowly coming into the picture! 

Summary: After rumors of the monastery being inhabited by the One-Eyed and Ashen Demons, 2 old friends investigate and give the exiled king and queen some hope


Brother!" A cheerful voice called out from her pegasus to the man riding on a wyvern next to her.

"Flayn, we are alone, we do not have to masquerade as brother and sister anymore." The green haired man said.

"Right! Sorry father." Flayn replied. "Anyways, look down there." She pointed down below her. "I think that is another one of the abandoned camps."

The man, Seteth, observed the ground below. There were physical signs of destruction such as broken trees, bloodstained grass, and decaying corpses that haven't even been considered to be buried. His wyvern landed on the ground and Flayn followed.

Seteth crouched down to further inspect the damage. "This doesn't make sense..." He mumbled to himself.

"What doesn't make sense?" Flayn asked.

"These mass slaughterings." Seteth answered. He stood back up and pointed to the severed corpses. "The intel we gathered suggests that two rouges are responsible, but the nature of the scenes left behind suggest otherwise."

"Who could posses such strength?" Flayn asked.

"I don't know." Seteth said. He let out a deep sigh. "Although I do have a hunch."

Flayn eyed her father curiously. "And what's that?"

Seteth shook his head. "I shouldn't say it. It's outlandish and I don't have to give you a false sense of hope."

Flayn pouted. "Please just tell me! I want to know!" She begged.

Seteth sighed. "Fine, but please take it with a grain of salt. Even I think of the conclusion to be outlandish." Flayn nodded eagerly. "I believe Dimitri and Byleth to still be alive."

Flayn gasped. "I'm so glad I'm not the only one that thinks so!"

Seteth raised an eyebrow. "You never thought that they were dead?"

Flayn nodded. "This is Byleth we're talking about. If she can escape the infinite void, then she can overcome anything!" She said optimistically. "Plus, the only known crest that can still provide such strength is the Crest of Blaiddyd. If they truly executed Dimitri, then it couldn't be human, although the intel clearly said that it was rouges causing them! They have to be alive!"

"I appreciate your optimism Flayn," Seteth said. "But, I'm afraid that them being alive is best case scenario. If these ruins are proof that they are alive but are capable of creating such mass destruction is not a good sign at all.

"I'm afraid that history might be repeating itself."

"Nemesis.." Flayn whispered. "We cannot let that happen. Not again."

Seteth nodded in agreement. "We must not. Even if our hunch is wrong, we mustn't let another tyrannous ruler like him take over."

"Right!" Flayn nodded.

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