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A/N: Here's the first part! This part is a slight retelling with a few added parts around the halfway point in the prologue. Enjoy!

Edit 1/09/22: Grammar edits 


It was hard to see in the dim lighting of the Holy Tomb, however, the students of the Blue Lion house could clearly see what shocking sight beheld them. They gasped and stared in disbelief. It couldn't have been real, right?

In front of them, the Flame Emperor, the one that has caused a handful of the problems the Academy and the Church of Serios had to face, was finally unmasked. They were none other than a student among them. Their identity was Edelgard von Hresvelg.

Out of all of the students of the Blue Lions, Dimitri was the most expressive when it came to his disbelief. He was laughing maniacally at the sight like he was crazy. To Byleth, the professor, she was both not surprised yet concerned for her friend. Dimitri had a special bond with Edelgard with them being step-siblings and to see her as the force that he believes caused the Tragedy of Duscur four years ago was a huge blow to his already unstable sanity.

"Is this some sort of twisted joke?!" He yelled at Edelgard and the Imperial soldiers that accompanied her. They didn't say a thing, Edelgard only stared at Dimitri. One could easily piece together that she was irritated at the Blue Lions at foiling her plans.

Dimitri readied his lance and stepped on the Flame Emperors mask, shattering it in hundreds of pieces. He slowly approached the Imperial Princess. Byleth tried to stop Dimitri by putting a hand on his shoulder. "Dimitri, wait." Byleth said. She was pushed slightly aside by Dimitri.

"Out of my way." Was all he said to her. Byleth stood in shock. Dimitri was nothing but kind to her. This had to be serious for Dimitri to do a complete one-eighty in his behavior.

"I've been looking for you." Dimitri said to his step-sister. "I will take that head from your shoulders and hang it from the gates of Enbarr!" He charged towards Edelgard and her troops. The troops charged forward to protect their leader, however they were no match for Dimitri. He sliced through three of them at one time with his lance. He pushed others aside with his shoulder.

Dimitri threw his silver lance in the direction of Edelgard. It flew across the air and it was like time slowed down for a few seconds. The lance barely missed her head and grazed her shoulder. Even weaponless, Dimitri still was able to fight the soldiers due to his immense strength his crest granted him. He grabbed a soldier by his face and crunched it, killing the soldier in an instant.

Instead of the slight regret and remorse the young prince usually displays when having to kill others, he had a manic smile across his bloodstained face. All Byleth could do was watch in shock.

This isn't the Dimitri I know and love. Byleth thought to herself. However, the more she thought about it, the more it made sense. She recalled Felix mentioning that ever since they had to quell a rebellion a few years back, Dimitri was always secretly psychotic. Dedue mentioned something similar as well, but she never really took them seriously. The incident in Remire and now here pieces everything together. Is this the true Dimitri?

While lost in her thoughts, another connection came to her. Wait, if Edelgard is the Flame Emperor, then she had a role in killing my father...? Byleth felt a sudden rage build inside her. Something she has never felt before. (Well, she never really showed her emotions until becoming a professor.) Even though the killer was dead, she saw the Flame Emperor with her father's assassins discussing the murder. Byleth remembered the hatred she had for the assassin for killing her father. It was building up inside her again. She gripped her sword tighter and charged at the unmasked emperor despite being mid conversation with Dimitri.

"You'll... Pay... For... Jeralt's... Death!" Byleth screamed, with her sword in hand. Edelgard turned to see the professor charging at her and quickly ordered her and her retainer, Hubert, to warp away to escape. Byleth didn't stop herself and ran right through the purple warp particles that were left behind.

Once she did stop, she was breathing hard. She hasn't felt this mad since the moment of Jeralt's death. Anger, hatred, regret for not being able to save him, all of them flooded into Byleth after making the connection. She felt a large hand fall on her shoulder. She turned her head and saw Dimitri. "We weren't able to defeat her." Was all he said to her.

The statement went in one ear and out the next for Byleth. Instead, she was thinking about what had just transpired. She doesn't even know how to process it all. She only knew one thing, understanding how Dimitri felt. "I... Understand now." Byleth softly said. Dimitri turned, both still irritated that he wasn't able to defeat Edelgard and intrigued by what Byleth had to say.

"I-I think she had a role in killing Jeralt. Once I figured it out, I just snapped. Nothing but hate and rage remained. At first I thought your behavior there was rash, but after making connections, it made sense. I understand. She was your step-sister. You two were close that one time you were together. It was only natural that you snapped at her actions." Byleth said.

Dimitri put his free hand on her other shoulder. "Listen, we'll kill that woman together. She has taken loved ones from us. We'll get our revenge." Dimitri vowed. Byleth nodded.


The two exited the Holy Tomb, walking side by side yet not speaking a word to each other. After that incident, the two were never the same again. 


There's the prologue! Chapter 1 and 2 will come soon!

Please tell me what y'all think and please vote/like/whatever that star is. I hope y'all have a great day! :)

~Sylvie 🌸

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