Chapter 1: To War

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Edit 1/09/22: Grammar edits


The next few weeks were a blur. Byleth hardly was able to focus during her lectures. She found herself not eating as much and losing sleep. A heavy feeling in her chest was off and on. All she could think about was getting her revenge.

She spent most of her free time with Dimitri to formulate a plan on how to take down Edelgard. The two became nearly inseparable on the days off. They were always found in the Knights Hall with scattered papers around them and countless broken weapons and training dummies in the training area. Yet despite their planning for revenge, they seemed like a normal couple at first. Constantly reassuring and supporting each other, Byleth clinging to Dimitri's free hand when not writing out their ideas and plans, and Dimitri kissing Byleth's forehead when they part for the night. It was an odd sight indeed.

It was almost no secret in the Blue Lions house that Dimitri was fond of the professor, (Mainly because of Sylvain constantly making fun of him.) However, seeing the professor reciprocate the feelings was a little odd. Whatever the case was, they had their fair share of rumors flying around about them.

Even the students were concerned. Not because of the sudden relationship that appeared but on their behavior. Annette noticed how tired and unfocused Byleth was and Dedue took note of the sudden drop in Dimitri's health with him getting more migraines often and the obvious lack of sleep.

Two weeks since the Holy Tomb incident and the Monastery had a troubling report come in from a scout. They said that an Imperial army led by Edelgard herself was approaching fast. Byleth assembled her students to prepare them for the upcoming battle.

"Remember, this is a real army with intentions of war. This isn't some group of thieves or bandits that are causing trouble. These soldiers will cut you down at all costs. Whatever you do, don't. Act. Rashly." Byleth lectured her students, knowing full and well that she would have to go against that rule to defeat Edelgard to prevent this war. She dismissed her students and they filed out of the classroom to personally prepare or to get at least a little rest before the Imperial Army is upon them.

Only Dimitri stayed. The two eyes met for a second, yet no one said anything for a moment. Dimitri finally broke the silence. "So, we'll soon get our revenge. When we manage to kill her, our burdens will finally be lifted." Dimitri said. Byleth nodded.

"I'll be counting on you." She said, "Remember the plan, ok? If things go astray, then I'm afraid that we won't get our revenge."

Dimitri took her hands into his. "We will win this. As long as I have you by my side, everything will work out." He reassured her. The two walked out of the classroom and were prepared for anything. Well, almost anything.

The battle was pure chaos. Blood stained the sacred grounds, corpses of both Knights of Serios and Imperial soldiers littered the place, and injured students were still fighting despite the fact that they were on the verge of falling. Everyone was determined to protect the monastery.

Annette, Felix, Ferdinand, Hilda, and Sylvain were defending Archbishop Rhea. Meanwhile, Ingrid along with Marianne, Raphael, Seteth, and Petra were trying to hold back the Death Knight. Ashe, Dedue, Caspar, Bernadetta, Lorenz, and the other two professors, Hanneman and Manuela defended the left side and prevented any more troops from getting any closer to the monastery gates. Lysetheia, Ignatz, Leonie, Claude, Dorothea, Flayn, and Linhardt were defending from the midlines with their ranged attacks.

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