Sheep amongst the horses

81 19 8

By bubblewrap1009

The day was already a dumpster fire in train wreck for Taehyung. The scraped knee was throbbing now, but that didn't mean he'd slow down.

He curses the stone he tumbled on, sheep that wouldn't comply, his brother for not waking him up, mother for not drying the laundry for him, himself for existing.

He would've run to Mars, had it not been the doormen's sword crossing over his face, snagging the entrance.

"Base-borns aren't welcomed to royal events." One gloated.

"Okay? You better not enter then." He bites back, which wipes off that snide grin.

"Here, wipe your tears with this." Jabbing the VIP gate-entry ticket to the guard's chest, before their gawking stare reached him, he whizzed into the grand hall.


"Waitwaitwaitwaitwait!" A single-handed stampede reverberated in the hall, Taehyung's duckbill shoes strike the floor like snare drums.

"I'm yet to enroll!"

"Who let you in?" the first sound he hears when his sprinting legs halt. He looks up from where he's bent for a breather and eyes the (in)famous prince of Peru with his dapper clothing and culvert for a sneer.

"Food? You got him food?" is all he reiterates, steer of disgusted glance to the servant holding trays of exotic meat.

Rolls his eyes, for all the maturity and utters, "Booo!"

The minister who had paused midst reading the scroll raises a brusque brow "Introduction, young man?"

"I-" he heightens his posture, puffs chest out for some overawe. "- present myself as an aspirant for his highness's hand in marriage."

"You do realise there has to be a royal invite for-"

"Here." He bites his lips knowing this wouldn't be a good idea to act smug, extending the VIP invite.


"It has my name on it, Kim Taehyung."

"B-but." The minister fishmouths, turning to the king, who virtuously stays inscrutable. "Aren't you the shepherd's son?"

"We own the sheep farm. I shear them." His eyes narrow, flit arcanely to the side to the king, and then back to the minister. "I was sent the invitation because I excel in manuscript inference."

"There's a class that must-"

"Sung." It's the robust voice of the king interrupting. "If a young man reflects himself worthy of my son, I wouldn't debar him of the opportunity to prove that."

He sternly propounds. "Even if it's a shepherd."

"Sheep shearer." He grumbles under his breath, but bows nonetheless.

"Your majesty, pardon me, but he barged in empty- handed. Does that not eliminate him already?"

Taehyung is quickly shuffling his outer coat, pulling out a fistful of something. "Who said I came empty handed?" He unfurls his fist to the crowd, immediately drives a snicker or two.

Except the minister and the king who exchange surprised looks.

"What are those?" It's the Prince of Peru snagging his opportunity to heckle. He chuckles, complacent. "You brought him buttons, shepherd?"

"Sheep- shearer" Taehyung grits and turns to the minister. "Hair beads. Did his highness, by any chance, put that in his list?"

The aspirants bring forth one courting gift each which is then compared to the list that the prince himself jots down— to draw an ambiguous idea of compatibility; whether the question of romance floats vaguely similar to both parties or not.

There's a littlest of smile on the king's face and equal scowl on the minister's. He utters. "Indeed it is. On the very top of it."

"I— I'm aware I look extremely nervous. That is because I am. But your majesty, if I'm given a chance, I can prove I have so many things better than wealth that I can offer to prince Jungkook. Everything he deserves. That's— well. Yeah."

"Very well then."


Jungkook felt a ginger tickle on cheek despite the deepening slumber, the one that his scrunching nose couldn't get rid of.

He pats his cheek, yet when it does not subdue, he flutters his eyes open after a few lingering minutes. The first thing he sees after the vision haze clears—


"AAAAAAAAAAA!!" Taehyung jumps from his bed and starts static jogging on the spot near it.




"SO!? I'M ALWAYS IN YOUR FACE!" Taehyung dramatically throws arms.

There's a bare smile that cracks on Jungkook, before it flattens, then downturns, and before Taehyung's knows it's a full blown wide-eyed indignation.


"Get out."

Taehyung whines in disapproval trying to reach for the male kneeling up on the bed. "I didn't mean to be late, I swear."

Jungkook slaps his approach away. "Out."

"Babyyy pleeease!!!!" The defiled pout is pulled out.

"Everything's a joke to you?" Jungkook pulls taut. "I almost got promised to someone else. Do I not matter at all?!"

When there's first tremble of his lip, Taehyung borderlines a panic, rushes forward to the prince and kisses him on the mouth.

"Only you matter. You know I love you to pieces, with all my wool-stuck pieces. Even my courting gift was on top."

"Of course it was." Jungkook pulls on his collar, lugs them down to lay facing each other. "I put it because I knew you'd get those. You're obsessed with my hair." He ends in a whisper.

"Rightfully." He whispers, combing his fingers through the silkesque strands. "You locked the window, almost broke my hip climbing down the chimney."

"Deserved that."

"I did. I'm sorry. Tina wouldn't cooperate. It was a mess—"

"Always that goat!"

"Hey!" Taehyung chuckles into his lips. "She'll be our Tina after marriage."

"After you take this thing seriously and fight to win me."

"Why can't you just chose me as the winner everytime."

"They'll exile you thinking you infused me with some love potion. You'll have to work."

"Or we could just run away and cut the chase."

"And what? Be shepherds together?"

Taehyung fakes sobs, buries his face into the neck.

"Sheep shearer!!"


Flash Fiction #3  Love PotionWhere stories live. Discover now