The Love Potion

95 17 4

By Dani-luv-bts

"You know-"

Jungkook got startled by the voice behind him and turned to look at his best friend, Hoseok, who had a teasing smile on his face. "-you're getting creeper by the day."

"Shut up!" Jungkook mumbled half-heartedly, as he knew Hoseok was probably right.

Jungkook knew that he was getting over the innocent, admiring stage in to the creepy, stalker stage now. But he couldn't help it. Not when the person of his interest is Kim Taehyung, the most beautiful human he had ever seen.

Even now, Taehyung was doing nothing but drying laundry, but he looked like an absolute angel while doing so. The morning sun light is giving a vibrant yellowish glow on his face while the light breeze gently caressed his hair.

Yep, Jungkook was a whipped man. There was no denying that.

"Why don't you just go and talk with him, man?" Hoseok asked for the nth time, making Jungkook sigh in dismay.

"I'm scared, Hobi. What if he rejected me?"

Hoseok shook his head at that reply. This has gone far enough now and Hoseok, had a plan to get things going.


"Are you sure this will work?" Jungkook asked with a unsure voice, and Jimin rolled his eyes at him.

"Of course this will work." Jimin answered in a annoyed voice. "My great, great, great grandmother was a renowned witch. And her books had been passed down from centuries."

"And you know how to read them?"

"Listen Kookie, this will work." Jimin pushed a small vial in to Jungkook's hand. "Put this love potion in his drink, and his heart will be yours forever."

Jungkook still looked skeptical but took the small vial, which was three quarters filled with a clear liquid. He gave a nod before walking out of Jimin's room, not noticing that Hoseok stayed back.

"So.. what's in it?" Hoseok asked in a curious voice and Jimin shrugged his shoulders.

"Vodka. Thought it will help him to loosen up a bit."

"Smart. Maybe we should give some to Kookie too."

A look passed between the two friends before Hoseok ran after Jungkook.


It was the nightfall and Jungkook was standing little far from Taehyung's house. The plan was to ask Taehyung for a coffee at the local cafe and put the love potion in his drink when he's not looking. Jungkook agreed only to get Hoseok off his back.

If he had the courage to ask Taehyung on a coffee date, why the heck would he need this freaking love potion?

So Jungkook came up with a different plan. He's gonna break in to Taehyung's house tonight, and put the potion in to something that Taehyung will drink. He already noted that Taehyung's parents were away from yesterday so it's only him in the house.

Don't get him wrong, Jungkook is a very courageous and daring boy. Climbing a tree to get on to Taehyung's house roof and then climbing down a chimney, is a piece of cake for him. But talking two words with his all time crush... nuh, Jungkook needs a love potion for that.

First part of the plan went smoothly. He was silent as a cat while climbing up to the chimney but the descend, that's where things went horribly wrong. Half way through, Jungkook lost his footing and fell down the rest of the way.

Jungkook wasn't terribly hurt, except for knocking his shoulder on to the wall when he fell and the slight scratch on his arm. But the thud sound he made as he fell, sure would have been enough to wake the sleeping beauty in the house.

Internally debating whether to go ahead with his plan or make a run out of the house, Jungkook crawled out of the hearth and in to the living room of Taehyung's house. Jungkook took out the vial out of his pocket to see if it was broken, but luckily, it was not. He was just about to proceed with the plan when the lights flicked on.

Jungkook was so started, that he dropped the glass vial, making it shatter against the floor. He turned slowly to see a scared Taehyung, dressed in his nightwear, holding a frying pan over his head like a weapon.

"H-hi?" Jungkook stuttered like an idiot, while Taehyung lowered the frying pan with a confused face.

"W-what are you doing here?"

Jungkook knew the situation was very, very serious, but he couldn't stop drooling at the deep voice of Taehyung. It shouldn't match with his angelic face but that made Taehyung look even more hot.

They stood like that for about a minute, looking at each other. "Did you like... climb down the chimney?"

"Y-yeah, sorry."

"Oh God! You're hurt."

Jungkook tried to cover his arm, not knowing what to say.

Taehyung sighed and walked towards a cupboard and got the first aid kit out. He motioned Jungkook to come and sit on the sofa, which the latter did, and started to treat his wound.

"What's that?"

Jungkook followed his gaze and saw the broken glass vial on the floor. "L-love potion."

Taehyung raised his eyebrows in an questioning manner and Jungkook rushed to answer.

Jungkook felt as if he was under a spell, spilling all his secrets to the beauty in front of him. He didn't leave any part, and even blabbered about his feelings, not noticing the increasing blush of the other.

Taehyung listened silently, eyes cast down from half way, utterly mortified with the turn of events.

There was silence for few minutes after Jungkook was done with his explanation.

"Please say something.." Jungkook pleaded in a small voice, already dreading the rejection.

"Well." Taehyung's voice was so quiet that Jungkook unconsciously leaned forward a bit to hear it. "I would have said 'yes' to a coffee date."

A small smile came on to Jungkook's face at that. "Yeah?"


Maybe the love potion works by smell too..

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