Frightened Frogs & Floral Shirts

75 16 3

By ThaFantasticFoursome

I handed the boy I adore
A seemingly innocent cup of tea
Patiently I waited until it'd get digested
So he'd finally fall in love with me



"What exactly is the meaning of this?"

The tiny live frog that dangled from where its little leg was pinched between the boy's finger, almost seemed to beg for help through its little frog eyes. Yoongi watched how it was suddenly dropped into the big brewing cauldron and it disappeared in the thick purple fog that arose from the mixture.

"What does it look like I'm doing?"

"It looks like you're handling a potion without your mentor being present." He then glanced at the pot. "And this doesn't look like a potion any first year should even be able to create."

"If you don't tell him, he won't know." Yoongi's face didn't seem to agree with what Jungkook had offered. The young wizard's facial expression changed into a more serious one. "Please don't tell him."

The click of Yoongi's tongue told the boy enough. "You know I can't do that. He'd turn me into a frog and drop me into one of his potions if he ever found out about me keeping this a secret."

"He wouldn't", Jungkook was quick to interject, "He's too fond of you and you know that."

Yoongi did know that. But he had principles.

"What even is this?" Yoongi's expertise was not with potion making. He was a normal human being that had accidently grown attached to some kind of hot wizard who had two boys as his apprentices.

Jeon Jungkook. A little brat with a love for eating deer meat and making stink bombs and terrible potions to ruin Yoongi's day.

Kim Taehyung. An honest worker who had gotten closer with Yoongi through their shared love for animals and Taehyung's amazing spell knowledge that made Yoongi's household life a lot easier.

"T'is a love potion", Jungkook finally admitted.

"Love? Who could you possibly fancy?", Yoongi made a face, "There's no one near our house in a twenty mile radius. The only single person in this house except for yourself is Tae-"

Jungkook's cheeks colored a deep red and in a desperate attempt to hide his face, Yoongi realized that he was also biting his bottom lip to stop a smile from growing. Yoongi had never seen the boy act this bashful before.

From the window to their right, which was closed due to the heavy winds the tower had to deal with being higher than the rest of the house, Yoongi could make out a figure standing by the washing line.

Taehyung was folding shirts as the other drying laundry danced in the wind. His bright blond locks flew up and down, curls bouncing to his forehead, as his brown eyes critically examined the crinkled in the folded shirt.

"Taehyung. You're going to make Taehyung drink this? Are you out of your mind?"

The cauldron trembled when it was hit with the force of Jungkook's hands. "I've been out of my mind for more than a year hyung! He's never noticed me. I need to have him notice me just once before I go absolutely insane."

The disappointment on Yoongi's face wasn't hard to spot. "You know this isn't the right way to do this. I won't allow you to do this."

"Or what? You'll let your carrier pigeons not deliver my mail?"

Yoongi was in charge of the animals on the grounds. Jungkook often made fun of it.

"I won't allow it cause it's plainly unnecessary to make Taehyung drink this. It won't change anything."

"Oh wow", Jungkook's hand flew to his chest, "You're being just rude now."

With a quick roll of his eye Yoongi headed out of the room. He didn't want Taehyung to actually drink this stuff mostly cause he knew what kind of problems could arise from love potions. It didn't always work out. He could fall in love with Namjoon, Yoongi or even some kind of animal or object if Jungkook didn't get his measurements right and made it too strong. (And knowing Jungkook, he'd definitely get something wrong.)

When he exited the house and wandered over to where Taehyung was still standing at the laundry line, an idea popped into his head. Without much overthinking he undid a few washing pins when Taehyung's back was turned to him. As soon as one of the shirts got ripped loose by the wind, he alarmed Taehyung.

"Your shirt!"

It was Taehyung's favorite one. It had a light blue floral pattern and it was white enough to make Jungkook often stare at his pecks when the sun made it see through enough. It picked up height as the wind played with it and eventually it got stuck on the weather vane on top of the tower.

Jungkook, who had heard the commotion happen and had seen the shirt get stuck right above the window he was looking through, began climbing out of the window, like the foolish little boy in love he was. (and he loved Taehyung in that shirt so-)

Taehyung almost screamed when he saw Jungkook slip on a rooftile because why the fuck was he climbing the roof and risking his life for some stupid shirt when he could do magic and he got out his wand from underneath the laundry basket.

With quick thinking and an even quicker spell, Jungkook was floating through the air, across the meadow, right into Taehyung's laundry basket, the floral shirt clutched tightly in his hands.

"What were you thinking Jungkook!? You could have gotten hurt!"

The poor boy couldn't even begin to speak when Taehyung flung himself around his frame in a tight hug. When the blond boy, relieved the other was safe, pressed his lips against the younger's head, Yoongi's words rang through Jungkook's mind.

"I won't allow it cause it's plainly unnecessary to make Taehyung drink this. It won't change anything."

Because he was already in love with Jungkook. 

Flash Fiction #3  Love PotionWhere stories live. Discover now