one, the twisted tale begins

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honey! i killed the kids!
chapter one
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            PERSEPHONE POTTER WASN'T usually the type of person to run late. She normally stood up at five am, got ready for the day, packed her books and went down to the Black Lake, admiring it before she had to go up to breakfast, with Zayn accompanying her and Fleamont watching with a broken heart. However today, that was not the case. Her feet hit the concrete ground in a flurry, footsteps echoing in the empty hallway, breathing loud and fast, face turning an ugly shade of red, heart beating fast, green robes billowing behind her as the wind gripped at them, hair flying all around her and a string of very decorative words  ❨ all of which Lowell Potter would kill her for ❩ left her mouth when she tripped, sprawling towards the floor in a very unlady-like manner. Footsteps could be heard behind her and Persephone raised her head, confused as to why Tom Riddle was not in class at this time ━ for it was their first class for the day.

Despite being in the same house, and both being Prefects, they've never actually interacted with each other to say that they're friends now. Tom was quiet, helpful towards every one and every single girl admired him while every boy envied the magnetic pull he had on the teachers and girls. Whereas Persephone was quiet, but snappy, rude at times and she wasn't helpful, or kind like Zayn or daring and attractive like her twin brother, Fleamont, she just was.

Persephone pushed herself off the ground, ignoring Tom's outstretched hand and she saw something flash in his eyes. Was that hurt? Yeah right, as if Tom Riddle had any feelings. "Are you not supposed to be in class?"

A content smile washed over Tom's face as he looked into her sky blue eyes, searching for that familiar evil glint he had seen the night before when Persephone had been arguing with Lestrange ━ yet it was no where to be found. It bothered him at how good she was at hiding that lurking darkness in her.

"Shouldn't I be asking you the same question?" Tom raised a brow, watching as Persephone scoffed, shaking her head and delicate, blond curls fell over her shoulder, hiding the Slytherin badge from view.

"I'm merely running late." She replied, not liking talking to the toxic boy. Persephone was never rude towards people without any real reason, but Tom was a monster ━ and she was the only one in a few who could see that.

"As am I." Tom shrugged, a smirk growing on his face when he heard her thoughts. He did have a rule ❨ one he broke nearly every day ❩ and that was not to read other people's minds if not needed. But he couldn't help himself, Persephone Potter was an enigma and he was determined to solve it. He had always hated it when he couldn't solve something, or get an answer to something ━ it somehow made him feel less in control.

"I find that hard to believe, Riddle." The girl growled, turning away from the attractive boy and she looked at the empty hallway, wondering how much time she's wasted talking to Tom and just how late will she be for Transfiguration. It wasn't her favorite subject, but the Professor seemed to like her well enough. "You're never late."

It was Tom's turn to scoff at the statement. "So are you, yet here we stand, both late."

Persephone turned to glare at him, lips already parting to respond but she decided it'd be best to ignore Tom Riddle completely, so she only forced a smile at him, bending down to pick up her cherry wood wand and the book that had flown out her hands and off she went, rushing towards Transfiguration, where she apologized for being late and she sat down next to Aaron Lestrange, one of the people she can tolerate in her house.

HONEY! I KILLED THE KIDS! ━━ tom riddleWhere stories live. Discover now