three, the annoying tom riddle

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honey! i killed the kids!
chapter three
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          ZAYN WAS WATCHING his cousin in Potions the following day, determined to find out exactly why she sat next to Malfoy today instead of Lestrange like she did the day before. He, personally, didn't have much of a problem with Aaron Lestrange, the boy just had a rotten attitude and he wore his guts like a crown on his head. But with Malfoy, it was entirely different. Malfoy ❨ later in this twisted tale, Zayn would realize a little too late that Riddle was the true monster here ❩ didn't have a heart, even if he did, it'd be black and all shriveled up into dust. His tongue was a snake instead, spilling venom into other's brains in generous amounts. It was safe to say that Zayn did not like Malfoy, at all.

"Relax, Persephone is smart." Oriana Zabini hummed beside him, chopping up something and she threw that in their potion. "She's friends with Lestrange, I think she'll survive Malfoy well enough."

Zayn's face distorted. "He's rotten. I don't want him near Stefi."

The curly haired witch beside him snorted. "He's always had his eyes on your precious cousin." She shrugged, stirring their potion with such precision, Riddle across them looked like a mess.

Zayn opened his mouth to speak, but Tom glared at him, cerulean eyes turning into daggers aimed at his throat, daring him to utter another word. Zayn was smart, he kept quiet.

"Tell me, Potter, do you want to burn?" Tom raised a brow, features cool and so intimidating it sent several shivers down Zayn's spine as he tried to decipher exactly what Riddle could've meant with that. Was he going to kill him? But that's entirely absurd, right?

"No." Zayn licked his lips.

"Then don't stand near the fire that close." Tom merely muttered, slapping Avery's hand away when the boy wanted to touch the roaring flames himself.

Oriana chuckled, the sound sounding like church bells tolling but everyone knew given the right time, they turned into the roar of a cheetah. "Just because you too have your eyes on precious Persephone Potter, does that mean you suddenly have feelings, Riddle?"

"Can I touch that then?" Avery asked, pointing to the knife Tom had in his God like hands and the monster donned in God form glared at the stupid boy.


"Then what should I touch?" Avery glared back, hands itching to touch something and Tom clenched his jaw, frustration settling in his pores as his glare intensified at the boy.

"Don't ask me." Riddle growled, sounding like an animal and Avery snorted, flicking him off. Riddle looked at Oriana. "And no, I don't care about this Potter. He's useless."

"I'm like, right across you." Zayn raised a brow, watching Riddle turn his glare from Oriana to him.

"Like I said, I don't care." Zayn meekly nodded, feeling very unwelcome around the three Slytherins who obviously knew each other well. In fact, he was the only Hufflepuff in the class, with two Gryffindors and at least five Ravenclaws. He didn't have his usual gang of friends, and because Persephone was walking on sunshine with Malfoy now, he couldn't talk to her.

"Stop scaring the poor boy Tom." Oriana smiled sweetly at Zayn, who felt his cheeks warm a little before he looked away. He will admit that he absolutely hated Slytherins, but Oriana was oddly kind. It had disturbed him at first, seeing as that even Persephone wasn't the kind type and no Slytherin is ever truly kind unless they have ulterior motives, but he learned to accept that maybe Oriana was just that type of person. "He's just worried about his cousin."

HONEY! I KILLED THE KIDS! ━━ tom riddleWhere stories live. Discover now