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THE SECOND door wasn't anything special. I walked up to the door and there was a green scanner. The scanner made a green-like light appear over our bodies before a clicking sound echoed through the hallway. I guess the scanner was only meant to pick up weapons. Or maybe people who were infected by the virus.

I had no idea.

The second door took a while to open up. I waited with Danny as the door slid to the side. I wondered while we were waiting. My thoughts wondered if the goddess used to live in this place. But I saw nothing, which made the place look like a home. But yet, none of the ruins looked like they were homes, now. But from the videos I watched, I knew some of them were homes. Even if they didn't look like them now. They were, back then.

Danny took the lead. She took the first step past the second door. She looked down and stood perfectly still.

Peaking my head over her shoulder, I was curious to see what was the hold-up. And that's when I saw it.

On the other side of the second door, was a tunnel. The tunnel went down for a long time. I didn't know just how far down the tunnel went. But the twirling staircase made me excited.

I had never gone down a twirling staircase before. And I was excited to see just how far down the staircase went.

Taking a step forward, I started my climb. With each step I took, I realized how dim the light kept getting. I wasn't excited to reach the bottom. But strangely, the bottom of the staircase came faster than I thought.

We got to the end of the twirling staircase, and there it was.

A third door.

"Man." Danny sighed. "They sure love their doors."

I said. "It's probably just a safety thing."

"Or maybe." Danny teased me. "It's where they keep all of their secrets."

"Haha." I knew she was teasing me. "Very funny."

I walked up to the third door. My hands touched the door. And I was expecting the door to just open for us. But nothing happened. I was so lost. And I had no idea what to do.

Looking over my shoulder, I realized how intelligent the dime light looked on Danny. I wasn't sure why. But there was something different about her.

A smile went across her face. And I quickly looked back at the door.

I open the door. And clearing my throat.

The faint buzzing sound came from the other side of the door. The sound was echoing loudly in my ears. I wondered what was making the sound. But I had no idea.

I asked her. "Should we go in?"

Danny took a step away from the staircase. She stood on the pavement-covered floor before me. She didn't say anything. I began to analyze the sign on the floor. The sign was written in the ancient symbols. I wondered what the symbols meant.

Placing my hand down to the sign, I touched the floor. I admired the symbols. But I had no idea what they meant.

Touching the sign felt strange. The symbols glowed over my hand as I touched them. And I wondered if they were another hologram. Or if they were a projection of some kind. I had no idea what the difference between a projection and a hologram was.

I placed my hand on the door in front of us. I felt the sharp edges of the metal.

A deep breath slithered over my lips. The metal wasn't moving. And I had no idea how to make the door open.

UNCOVERED - Last Resort Series - Book One - RAWWhere stories live. Discover now