An imagine

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Imagine being the sole voice in the room every time some misogynistic shit says something like: "Women are not in positions of power because at 30 they decide to leave the workforce and start a family."

Imagine someone saying that and you opening your mouth to reply, once again knowing exactly what it is you're taking on.

Or imagine, being so tired of it, you don't even bother. You let the sentence fall to the ground, unbothered, unchallenged, undisputed, inadvertently becoming etched on some young, developing child's brain, shaping their life.

But then imagine, living in a world, where you are not the sole voice in the room. Women have been supporting each other, taking the role of educator and pioneer. Imagine how much stronger two voices are, compared to one.

And then imagine, something so beautiful, so rare, as many voices in the room, female and male. Imagine them speak so eloquently, so kindly, so thoughtfully, in a way that you never could.

Imagine them fighting that fight that's got you so tired. And look at them winning it.

I don't need to imagine, I've seen it. It was a sight to behold. They were my peers. And it was beautiful.

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