A light

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Who cares if one more light goes out in a sky of a million stars?

  It flickers, flickers  

He is looking at her. He's looking at her and his knees are trembling. She has this power, this unique power, to render him and everyone else around him speechless. Helpless. Less.

That's what she is. Bottomless. She's never ending but she never even began. She was always there, she was within. She didn't have to be dragged out of a deep pit, she wasn't in hell. She's hell herself.

She played with the mind. His mind, everyone's mind. She's not even his own! Why is he powerless?

Maybe because he sees a bit of her in him. Maybe because he knows that she's not otherwordly, she's not strange, she's not alien. She's familiar. And that scares him. Because what if his soul mirrored hers? What if he let it roam free and it got... it got  to this?

We can't have that. No, we can't have that, he tells himself. He takes a step forward, long enough to rotate his feet and he's turned his back to her. If he ignores her, she will go away, right?

Well yeah... But she's take something with her, someone. If noone's there to care, if noone's there to fight, alongside, there is no winning. Because she always wins. She is powerful. She is scary. She is darkness. Blackness.

The black dog.

One more light

It flickers, flickers

Who cares if one more light goes out?

Well I do.


To two friends of mine...

You may never read this, but if you did, you'd know it was about you...

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