Chapter 2

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Durning the ride over to the mansion the team started talking about Cory's odd reaction. "So Cory did you make that call?" Hooper asked. Cory nodded in response. The team have never seen Cory this quite before. "Cory do you have a history with the Blackwell mansion?" Tirana asked. "Once or twice but I regretted going, I've lost so much because to that place"replied Cory sad and mad at the same time. The others took in that information. "What happened there?" Tirana asked him. "I don't like to talk about it" Cory replied quickly. The rest of the team respected his privacy so they didn't bother him about anything more.

As soon as Cory stepped out of the helicopter he took a deep breath of fresh air. Cory wanted to run away and scream for being back at this place, the place where his life turned upside down for the first time, the place where he found out about his abnormal ability. After Cory had joined the foundation and finding out what a scp really is he lived in constant fear that someone would find out about his abnormal ability and he would be labeled as a scp. He knows there's no other way around it there was no logical explanation, he is a scp no matter what he tried to trick himself into thinking. Cory was afraid, he always was and will always will be, it was apart of his powers after all.

Cory lit up when he saw Ashlie standing next to the door waiting for them. Cory was so glad to see a familiar face that wasn't from the foundation. "Ashlie!" Cory yelled happily as he ran up to her. Ashlie and Cory had both been there for each other when they lost everything and their lives were turned upsidedown, so they were pretty happy to see each other again. The rest of the team stood there confused at what they were seeing.

"Cory who's this?" Tirana asked. "This is the person who I called when I freaked out"replied Cory whose mood slightly bettered. "Cory you know you can't tell anyone outside of the foundation about this things, once the general finds out he's going to wipe her mind and probably going to take you off flied missions"said Hooper. "Who says he's going to find out plus I didn't ask her to come she came on her own"replied Cory. Ashlie had a cheeky smile when Cory said that she came there on her own  volition.

Ashlie took a deep breath in and let it out before beginning to talk again. "Can you imagine that all of that happen in one week?" Ashlie asked. "I really don't have to but yeah, I was in there for one week and to the rest of the world Cory Carter was missing for that time"said Cory sadly. "Wait you went missing at one point?"asked Hooper surprised. Cory and Ashlie nodded their heads in response. "Let's go in"said Ashlie as she pushed open the doors.

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