Chapter 3

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As soon as they stepped in things immediately felt off. A cold shutter went down Hooper's spine. "Is it just me or does this place seem off"said Hooper. Ashlie turned to face him, "This place is always off" she said to him. Tirana and Hooper couldn't help but noticed how Cory and Ashlie always seemed to where they were going and how on edge they were. "What do you mean by that?" Tirana  asked. "By that she means that three or more people have died here"said Cory answering Tirana's question.

"Where do you think where the files are being kept?" Hooper asked. "The library and around in random corners"answered Cory. "Okay how do you two know these things?" Tirana asked. Cory signed before answering. "When I was a teenager and now started saving for college, me and my friends where doing odd jobs when this man with a strange name hired us to steal the files from the owner but after we found out the truth we didn't finish the job"answered Cory. The others stopped walking when he said that. "I thought you said that before the Foundation you didn't know what a scp was"said Hooper. "Oh i didn't, we called the things the files were about Creepypastas"answered Cory.

After a lot of walking the team plus Ashlie finally reached the library. A weave of nostalgia hit both Ashlie and Cory like a truck. It was even worse for Ashlie since she prectly grew up there. "The library it almost has no books or files left in it"said Hooper. "There books are also files, Hooper" Tirana said to him. "The place is did blew up in a firey explosion"added Cory. "Well then lets get to work"said Tirana.
Everyone immediately started to get to work collecting all the files and placing them into containment crates.

After a while they were about three quarter way done and was forced on their work. That was until Hooper found two files that stood out from the rest. The first file was labled 'Daughter of Slenderman: Ashlie Claire' and the second one was labled 'Son of ◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼: Cory Crater'. Hooper's face when he read the titles held a range of emotions. Hooper called over the others.

He showed the other what he had found. "I, I didn't know these files existed"said Ashlie. "Me neither" Cory said. Ashlie looked pale, surprised and confused while Cory look close to breaking down. "Can you give it us and you not tell you're general about this?" Ashlie asked them. "I'm sorry but we were given orders to turn in all files"replied Hooper. "It is an unfortunately truth but we have to since me and Cory are already on tin ice with our accusations against  Professor Otis"added Tirana.

When Tirana said that Cory finally snapped. He broke down in tears in front of them. "I'm so sorry for not telling about what happened to me here sooner" Cory said threw tears. "There is no logical explanation for what happened to me here all those years ago but other than the fact that I'm an scp" Cory continued as he cried even more. "I sould have resigned after we had escaped the lockdown, I'm scared of what I could happen, so please I don't tell general Flooper" Cory begged. The rest of the team didn't know to do while Ashlie looked on sadly.

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