Chapter 6

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As the guards were taking them to the holding cell Ashlie slipped something from her pocket to her hand. Ashlie gave Triana a wink. Suddenly Ashlie ellowed the guard next to her, Triana soon followed the Hooper also attacked his guard. "Let's get Cory and Lara"said Triana. "I'll get Lara you two go get Cory"said Hooper. Triana and Ashlie nodded in response.As they made their way to Cory's contentment they ran into Dr.Patients. They explained everything to him. Dr.Patients went to meet up with Hooper and Lara.

Triana knocked out the two guards then used her keycard to open the door. Inside were Cory and Tj talk to each other. "Triana, Ashlie!" Cory yelled running up to them. "Let's get out of here"said Triana. "Tj you coming?" Cory asked. Tj decided to join the trio. Suddenly the alarms started ringing. "Come one!"yelled Ashlie. "Wait their's one more person that needs saving"said Cory.

They followed Cory to a nearby cell. Inside of it sat Dr.Bright in the body of a clone of Uni. "Come with us if you want to live"said Cory. Dr.Bright looked up at them giving them a wide toothy grin that was creepy in its own way.

They meet up at a helicopter leading pad. Lara was typing away on her laptop. "Let's get in"said Hooper. "Where to though?" Tj asked. "The Serpent's Hand of course, dear little brother"said Dr.Bright. "Where is it located?" Triana asked. "It's best if you let me fly"said Bright. "This better not be a trap"said Triana as she handed him the controls. "Why would I do that, you saved me"said Dr.Bright. 

It wasn't a trap in the end. Dr.Bright thanked them perfusely for freeing he and setting free his brother. At the end of it all, everyone had decided to join the Serpent's Hand.

(A/n: this originally meant to be longer but shit happens. Might come back to this though)

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