Chapter 5

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While in the van the rest of the team and Ashlie started talking. "Did you know about the foundation before Cory called you this morning?" Triana asked. "Yes, ever since I was a kid"replied the red headed girl. "Why didn't you tell Cory about it and how did you find out that he was working for the foundation?" Hooper asked. "I didn't think that he would be dragged into the world of the foundation and his sister,Cassie, told me since he was worried about him"answered Ashlie. "Why would his sister worry, since I don't think she knows what the foundation really is"questioned Triana. "I can't say, she made me promise not to"responsed Ashlie. The others nodded in response to what Ashlie had to say.

Cory pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket. At the top of the page it read 'Jane the Killer'. Jane was his longest friend and ali he made in the Blackwell Mansion after she had saved him from Jeff the Killer. While Toby and Clockwork's disappearance hard hurt Jane's hurt the most. When the killers disappeared Cory felt like he lost a little of himself, expectly after everything they been through. Cory ran his figures over the paper wondering if he sould read it and see if she would come back to life. Over the years Cory has been tempted into reading the files again but he always never did. He pulled the paper back into his pocket once he felt the van stop moving.

Two of the agents pulled him out and walked him to a temporary containment cell. Inside there was a boy who looked around thirdteen, he had ginger hair, brown eyes and was wearing a preppy outfit that you would usually see the nerd character in a high school movie wear. The two sat there in silence for a little while before Cory broke it. "What's your name?"he asked, "I'm Cory". The boy looked at him for a bit before answering. "I'm Tj"the boy said. "What are you here for?" Tj asked, "you're dressed like a guard". Cory took a deep breath before answering. "I was a task force agent but then they found I had anomalous powers so they labeled me as a scp"answered Cory.

"What can you do?" Tj asked. "I can bring horror stories to life by reading them out loud, you?" Cory stated. Tj looked at Cory taking in the information he was just given. "I can heal people by touching but the downside is I receive the aliment"replied Tj. That felt familiar to Cory but he couldn't figure out why.

The two continued to talk before it finally clicked in Cory's head on why Tj's ability sounds so familiar. "I remember now, why you seem so familiar!" Cory suddenly yelled. "Why's that?" Tj asked. "Your brother, Dr.Bright, told me about you"answered Cory. Tj looked sadly at the ground. "What did he say?" Tj asked. "He told me what you could do, how the foundation kept you two apart and that he was a fool to believe the foundation actually cared for you and the foundation in a whole"answered Cory. Tj looked visiblily happy at what Cory said.

"Where is he now?" Tj asked. "A few months ago he caused the largest containment branch the foundation has ever seen to escape when he was captured by the Serpent's Hand, they took him to their actually leader, he became the leader's head figure to try and build a utopia for scps away from  civilization but as of right now he is sitting in a cell a few rooms down from us"replied Cory. Tj looked shocked at what the camera faced just said. Tj was close to tears. Tj knew that his brother did all that for him and their sister. Cory placed his hand on Tj's shoulder, then the door opened.

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