I can only say it's Christmas by the cold in your eyes
You made from our cosy home a palace of ice
I know Santa is not real so you feed me other lies
That last through the night and shatter at sunriseI wanna warm your hands but they're out of reach
And you leave me behind to walk alone in the snow
You make up excuses, always prepared with a speech
I want to belive them. If they're true I don't know.We can sit by the fire and it will shed some light
On what's between us. It's still a flame ?
But as we go trough yet another ugly fight
I hope for at least a spark but you don't hope for the sameYou have lots of snowflakes trapped in your hair
And I am the one that is melting in your hand
For me you don't have at least a gift to spare
While to you my all seems not enough to spend
PoetryToata viata am scris diverse poezii și multa lume imi zicea sa le public, dar nu stiu daca o sa o fac vreodată. Totusi ma gandesc ca unele dintre ele ar putea aduce niste bucurie în viata cuiva asa ca o sa le împărtășesc cu voi aici. Poate primesc ș...