Every morning when I open my eyes
I just can't belive that we are together.
I doubt myself. Do you tell me only lies?
Will you stay or you change like the weather?-You're right. You should really open your eyes
And start believing that I would never play
I am not the type of guy that only says lies
And if you truly want I am going to stay-You had many lovers but you never loved them back
And they were pretty perfect and I am not
Are we really sure that we are still on the right track?
Will you wait or break up with me on the spot?-If things didn't work out there is a reason
There is nobody's fault I didn't felt the same
I am sick of changing them every season
I am with you because I think you are end game-You like smart and pretty and sexy and funny
I am not like this, so I guess I'm not your type
You can't even say you are with me for the money
So excuse me if I don't understand the hype.-You are pretty and sexy and funny and smart
But why would I say compliments you don't belive
Even if I tell them from the bottom of my heart
You will always think I am here to deceive-And if I am really honest when we talk about this
I am insecure, I can't compete with your ex
For starters before you I had never had a kiss
And don't even try to ask me about sex-Do you think I am really that superficial?
Experience is not what I am looking for
I want you to be you, natural not artificial
Inocence is the thing they never had before.-I had never recived chocolates and flowers
And I have never been on a real date
I had never talked to someone so many hours
And when I talk with you it always gets late-I pretty much enjoy having someone to spoil
And I really love talking to you too
I liked planting the seed of love in your heart's soil
And all the other things that we use to do- I didn't trusted you. I should've. I'm sorry.
I didn't know how to cope with the things I feel
Sometimes I am jealous and I worry
Because the love I feel is just so real- It is ok. I actually think this is very sweet.
And before I tuck you in bed tonight
How about we grab something to eat
And I hope your thoughts will let you sleep tight.
PoetryToata viata am scris diverse poezii și multa lume imi zicea sa le public, dar nu stiu daca o sa o fac vreodată. Totusi ma gandesc ca unele dintre ele ar putea aduce niste bucurie în viata cuiva asa ca o sa le împărtășesc cu voi aici. Poate primesc ș...