1. I just wanted to let you know it's cool
Cause I just heard around the school
That you're having a little crush on me.
2. Oh, boy, how foolish you can be
To think that what you have is what I need!
1. Surprisingly I kind of like to read
And I know a good girl likes a bad guy.
2. I'm not going to say the books lie
But belive me, this is really not the case.
1. Maybe not now, but one of these days...
Some say I'm a patient guy by definition
2. And you'll wait until I make the decision
To announce you I'm in love. Keep dreaming.
1. Have you noticed that the light is dimming?
Maybe it's a sign I should be getting a little closer...
2. Keep staying where you are, you poser!
I know for a fact you're not interested in me.
1. Somebody told you that? Who might it be?
Maybe someone who is very jealous of your looks.
2. I see you really learned something from the books.
I won't belive you cause it will only get me hurt.
1. If you don't care, then how will you get hurt?
Ha, you just admited that you are crushing.
2. Hey, maby we shouldn't be rushing.
Don't jump to any conclusions, please!
1. I think I'll put your mind at ease
If I tell you that I like you too.
2. Don't play with me, cause if you do
I'll make sure you'll fail this year.
1. Oh, failling, I'm filled with fear!
For real now, I really want you to be mine.
2. You have to earn it, maybe build me a shrine.
Or maybe we can just start with flowers.
1. Then I'll take you on a date after hours.
2. I think that would be fine.
PoetryToata viata am scris diverse poezii și multa lume imi zicea sa le public, dar nu stiu daca o sa o fac vreodată. Totusi ma gandesc ca unele dintre ele ar putea aduce niste bucurie în viata cuiva asa ca o sa le împărtășesc cu voi aici. Poate primesc ș...