Chapter 33

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It's Friday. Somehow this day got here before I could prepare for it and it is officially the weekend. As I walk out of my last class, there's already people strutting around campus with homemade signs and football jerseys on. I'm sure they're on their way to one of the many parties tonight. Shawn has been amazing all week, checking in on me with how I'm feeling. Megan has also been another godsend. I was nervous when I first told her about Connor a few weeks ago but I'm glad to have two people here knowing what I'm going through right now and understanding. It's also been nice to actually talk to people about the situation and my feelings and thoughts on it. Shawn continues to push the option of staying at his house all weekend and assures me that he won't be missing out on anything. He argues that he just wants to make sure that I am safe and comfortable. He is so sweet that at times I feel the urge to pinch myself.

I know the easy decision would be to just stay home with Shawn. We could just binge some Netflix and order in food. The idea of spending the entire weekend alone in bed with Shawn is very tempting. But, the more I think about it the more I want to still go to the tailgate party tomorrow and hang out with all my new friends and spend the day with Shawn. I know for certain I will not be going to the game, but the parties are all that anyone really cares about anyway. I mean really, what are the odds that I run into one person when there's dozens of parties happening on campus and thousands of people that will be there. I walk back to my dorm deep in thought, I don't even notice that Shawn is waiting on the bench outside of my building as I walk up until I hear his voice.

"Hey," he says and I turn to see him rise from the bench and walk over to me, greeting me with a kiss. We go into my building and up to my room where I drop back onto my bed dramatically and he chuckles at me.

"What time do you have to be at the rink?" I ask him, knowing he has his game tonight.

"I have to be there in thirty minutes so I pretty much have to head right over, but I wanted to check in on you first," he says as he climbs onto my bed lying beside me. His head is propped up resting on his hands with his elbows supporting them on the bed.

"I'm fine, you don't have to keep worrying about me," I tell him as I try to make my voice as convincing as possible. I can tell he doesn't buy it because he continues to stare down at me with worry of his face. "Just get going handsome," I tell him as I prop my own head up and face him. "You need to kick some ass tonight so I don't have you moping around like last weekend again," I attempt the joke as I stick my tongue out at him and it seems to distract him from his worry as he looks shocked at me.

"I was not moping!" He declares as he moves on top of me, pinning me underneath him on the bed as he starts to tickle my sides. I wiggle and laugh uncontrollably and plead him to stop which he does. He leans down and kisses me gently, his lips tasting like an energy drink and I assume he must have had one on his way over to boost his energy for the game. He pulls back as he gets up off the bed and I roll to smack him on his butt as he does. He turns back and smirks at me as I wink up at him.

"I will see you after the game then?" He asks me and I nod in response. He disappears from my room and I hear the door shut behind him as he exits into the hallway. I get up and check Megan's room but she's not home. I send her a text about the game and she replies stating she won't be able to make it, she has some assignment to work on with a partner and she wants to get it done tonight to free up her weekend. I sigh as I accept the fact that I'll be going to the game alone tonight.

I have made more friends than just Megan here, but none are close enough that I'd invite them to go to the game with me. I hope that maybe some of the other player's girlfriends might be there tonight who I've met a few times now, maybe I can just sit with them. I have an hour until I need to leave for the arena and I know I still have to make it to the dining hall for dinner plus shower and get ready. I decide to eat first then come back to get ready as I rush out of my room, slamming the door behind me.

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