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I can't believe it's been over 5 months since I've updated! Holy shit, that's a long time. Sorry for making you guys wait!!

- Koala

Gyda woke up with a yawn, her eyes blinking open slowly. Today was the day that she was going to stop the intimacy levels with Billy Loomis. Her best friend. Somebody she had grown close to, but it was all for a good reason.

The Australian wanted Billy and Sidney happy and together, and if it meant pushing herself away from a certain brunette, she would do it because that's what friends were for. Turning over to her side, the white-haired female almost fell out of bed in surprise.

Beside her was Stu, brown eyes wide open as he gawked at her, he too flailing his arms about due to the shock. "Since when did you get in my bed?" Gyda questioned, confused and startled.

"I am not entirely sure, bear. All I know is that you are pretty when you sleep," he teased, pinching her cheek in response to prove his point as she batted his hands away, letting out a yawn.

"Go away, Stu, you fat lard," she grumbled, pushing him off the bed as best as she could. She managed to do it successfully, and the Australian couldn't help but let out a small laugh at the accomplishment.

"I am glad you find my pain to be greatly amusing, huh?" Stu grumbled out, rolling his eyes. "What time is it?" Gyda asked, ignoring the tall male's statement as she sat up, rubbing her eyes slowly.

"It's time to get ready for school and leave, that's what." She did her daily routine of getting ready and ran a hand through her now brushed hair. "How do you think today will go?" She questioned, genuinely curious.

She knew that Billy was very touchy feely with her, and she knew that he grew very persistent and grumpy when he didn't get his ways, so she was uncertain of how he would cope with the sudden change, but it had to be done.

"Well, you know him. He will test the boundaries of our plan, poke at it until he finds a way in," Stu admitted, finally getting off the floor as he glided his hand over his head. "But, guess what? He won't be able to pry himself into this situation, because if he pursues, he fucks up the relationship he has with Sidney."

Stu knew that Billy didn't care for Sidney. He only tolerated her for their mission. Nothing else. But Stu couldn't help but try and attempt to get the young Australian to be as far as possible from Billy Loomis.

As much as he hated to say it, the woman was growing on him, and he would hate to see her betrayed face in the end. Gyda bit down on her bottom lip and frowned. Was she ready? She was just about to give up almost 6-7 months of constant affection from the brunette male.

Shaking her head, she ignored the nagging feeling of hurt and turned to Stu. "You aren't going to change? We are going to school, where your girlfriend is," she stated, hands on her hips.

The rather large male looked at the clock and shrugged his shoulders. "We don't have time to do that, but I'll have one on the way home. We have to leave before Billy gets to school, or the plan is destroyed in seconds."

The two agreed to ride in Stu's car, mainly cause the woman didn't know how to drive the American car. "We are here, at the fabulous Woodsburo High School," Gyda flaunted, stepping out of the car.

The white-haired teenager flicked her gaze around the students, finding the familiar faces of their friend group and immediately went there. "Morning guys," she greeted giving them all their separate hugs of hello. She was a very welcoming person once you were friends with her.

"I see that Billy isn't here yet."

"Who said I wasn't?"

Gyda froze as the familiar voice entered her ear from behind, arms snaking their way to her hips and keeping them there. "Morning, Gyda," Billy cooed into her ear, giving his normal greeting to her. Gyda looked over at a nervous Stu, whose hands were waving about.

"Hey, Billy. Have you heard of our homework assignment things that is due today?" Stu questioned, taking Billy's attention and Stu scrunched up his nose.

Gyda frowned, if this was to work, she would have to take part in it as well. This was the first step in making their plan fall into place.

Pulling Billy's hands off of her hips, she couldn't help but notice the suspicious look on his face with the evidential frown that appeared as soon as she did.

Sidney and Tatum watched the exchange with wide eyes, never seeing the white-haired girl decline such affectionate gestures from the brunette. "No? I didn't hear of this homework. Do you mind telling me?" Billy pressed on, keeping his posture the same.

Gyda moved from beside Billy and in between the girls, linking arms with them and gave them both a sincere smile. "What do we have first? I forgot to look at it this morning, I woke up late," she mumbled, keeping her gaze away from the very person she knew was staring.

"We have PDHPE first, I'm pretty sure," Sidney hummed out, raising an eyebrow at the person who has been giving her boyfriend unusually friendly touches. Sidney didn't know whether to be grateful that she stopped or feel like something was up.

She said she was okay with it months ago. Why the sudden change? And as Sidney observed her boyfriend, it was a one-sided decision that Billy wasn't aware of. "We can head there now, if you like?"

Gyda looked over to Stu once more, who nodded his head in agreement and the exchange student couldn't help but grin. "Of course. I really hope we are playing Volleyball. It was a great sport back in my old school in Australia, though we didn't play it often."

Not looking behind her, Gyda dragged the two friends of her's to the gym, ignoring the strange ache in her heart.

Again, she asked herself.

Was she ready for it?

No, she wasn't.

Did she need to do it?

Yes, she did.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐎𝐧𝐞 ✵𝐁. 𝐋𝐨𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬Where stories live. Discover now