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Gyda woke up with a start, groaning out and went to get up, but was stopped by something over her body. Turning her head briefly to see, she frowned as the object that had hit her before she was knocked out was a wooden chair. Pushing the object off of her, she wriggled free and got to her knees. The albino teenager whimpered out in pain as she held the back of her head.

Slowly, and cautiously, the female got up, stumbling to her feet. She gazed around the room with wary eyes, noticing that the popcorn was under a tap, the water drowning the food that must've caught fire from being on the stove too long. "Casey?" She called out in a hoarse voice, probably from inhaling smoke when she was unconscious.

"Did you put the popcorn in the sink?" She mumbled out, limping her way around the kitchen and didn't like the eerie silence. It was like someone was waiting for her to turn a corner and scare her. With a brave face, Gyda noticed the door being wide open. "Casey? I told you I was go-" The sentence Gyda was telling was dropped from her mouth and mind as she looked at what was there.

Outside the front, on their knees were Casey's parents. They had their heads buried in each other's comfort, devastated. That wasn't what made the blue-eyed female freeze in her spot on the front Porch, wide eyed and staring in terror. In the distance on a nearby tree, where there should've been a wooden swing,  attached to the branch by rope, was a body.

More specifically, it was Casey's body.

Gyda felt her mind shift as she bolted down to Casey's body, her body refusing to ignore Casey's parents' cries. She got there in seconds, her breathing heavy, ragged and short. "Casey? No, no, no, no. You can't do this to me. You can't! You were meant to stay and watch a horror movie with me," Gyda cried out her Australian accent even more visible than it already was. She then fell to the ground, breaking down in sobs of fear, sadness and anger.

Someone had killed her, and she was going to find out who. No matter what.


Gyda stared blankly at the white paint on the wall in the police station. She was currently being interrogated just to be sure that she wasn't the killer of Casey Becker. The Australian had a mild concussion, bruises running along her spine and torso with a few cuts on her forehead, eyebrow and jaw that would turn into scars later on. Her usually bright blue eyes were now dark, dull and not so blue. In fact, they took a grey colour.

A police officer with his cream-colouree outfit walked in. Gyda immediately recognised him as Dwight known as 'Dewey' Riley. He was the older brother of her friend, Tatum Riley. "Okay, start from the start. What exactly happened tonight?" The pale seventeen year old trusted the man in front of her, so she spilled everything that happened throughout the course of the last few hours.

"I remember answering a phone, but Casey took it off me. She chatted with the stranger until we took a deal to swap jobs. She cook the popcorn whilst I talk." Gyda furrowed her eyebrows as she continued to speak. "Eventually, he said something to Casey that scared her, she locked the doors and he ended up playing a 'game' where he asked us two questions. If she got them right, she would save Steve. Unfortunately, she got the last question incorrect and they killed him." Gyda paused, gulping as she teared up, her confidence and cover up beginning to fail.

"The last question, I heard. He had asked which door was he at. I thought the Patio door that was right next to us was too obvious of an answer so I tried to grab Casey, but she didn't want to move. I was in the way when the chair flew straight at the Patio door and broke it. That was the last thing I remember, sorry Dewey," Gyda finished, her head bowed and facing the table underneath her.

"It's alright, Miss Romanoff. I'm just glad that you are okay. Do you have any idea who it might've been?" The Deputy asked and the teenager in question shook her head. "No, the cut on my face, the concussion and the bruises are the only things that have been done to me, sir." Dewey nodded his head and stood up. "The session is finished. Thank you, Gyda Romanoff for giving us your piece of the story. Please, take care."

Just as Gyda was about to leave the station, Dewey appeared once more. "Also, just to let you know, I will be driving you to school tomorrow." That was all he said before disappearing, not giving Gyda a chance to decline the polite offer. Outside the station was her exchange parents. Her actual parents let her go to the U.S for a year for her last year of high school to experience an American school.

It was all amazing and fantastic before tonight. Gyda just hoped that her parents wouldn't send her back. After all, she had met a whole new group of friends that she cherished and loved. The Aussie hopped into the car, not able to drive since the fact that she grew up driving on the left side of the road and not the right. She looked on with astonishment. No matter how long she was in America for, she still couldn't comprehend the differences between her country and this one's.

The three got home and was greeted by their Great Dane, who immediately jumped onto the 5'7 teenager who complied the interaction immediately. In the six months of being here, she bought a six month old Great Dane who was now a year old. She had taught the black and white dog to give hugs. Yes, she taught him to jump on his hind legs and place his front paws on your shoulder as a hug. "Hello to you too, Harley," She welcomed, patting the brute's head and letting him jump down.

She gave a nod to her exchange parents and headed to her room up the stairs, skipping dinner seeing as the last time she went to make food, it ended up in a murder scene for two people. The white-haired girl only spied on her dog as she noticed that the dog was following her really close to her. She got underneath the covers of her bed, snuggling into them as the gigantic dog of her's laid by her feet as she drifted off to a nightmare filled sleep.

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