i may have overestimated myself

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It's 3 AM.

I'm standing over my sink, furiously trying to get the deep red color out of my hands.

This stupid hair dye won't get out. Which means I'm starting my first day at UA High with red hands. It could be worse.

I wash my hands one last time and look at my hair. The red undersides and streaks aren't perfect, but they're good enough for something new.
I head downstairs the next morning and am so kindly greeted by my mom.

"What did you do to your hair??" She reaches for a strand.

"I dyed it." I say while dodging her and grabbing my things for school.

"Why?! You have such beautiful natural hair. Now people are going to think less of you."

"No one is going to do that? Why does it matter so much that my hair is colored a little?"

"No boy is going to like you. People might think it's weird. It's embarrassing to me and your father! And, what if you keep dying it and next thing I know your whole head is red?"

First off, my dad already knew about the hair. And he likes it.

"Mom, I don't-"

"We tried so hard for you to get in this school, and you do this to us!"

Now she's just spiraling.

"Mom, I'm done. I don't think people will care. And I like it. Now, excuse me, but I have to go to school."

I hurry out the door. That conversation isn't unusual, but it still hurts. A little. I'll be fine and she'll be over it in a day, max. What a great start to my day!!
I'm standing at the gates.

I see students walk by me. I just need to go with them. I'm excited to start at UA. Truly. But, what if something goes wrong? I slip up and make a bad first impression? They think I'm weak? Or, what if I hurt someone?


That will never happen. I just need to shake this feeling off.

I take a breath, and step in. I walk into the building, through the halls, past some guy in a cocoon-like sleeping bag, and into the classroom for Class 1A.

It's a lot to take in. People are standing around, talking. A blond kid is yelling at the guy with glasses. A guy about three feet tall with purple hair is giving me the creeps. And, suddenly, the man in the sleeping bag is right in the doorway.

And apparently he's our teacher. Honestly? I kind of like it.

I sit down next to a kid with spiky red hair. And he's kind of hot. Anyways.

"I like your hair," he grins. His teeth are sharp. It adds to the look.

"You can call me Kirishima, by the way."

"Thanks...." I start to reply.

Why does my heart skip a beat? Weird. I steady my heartbeat, and continue with what I was going to say.

"....I'm Maris" I smile a little.

Moments later, Aizawa announces we're going outside for an activity.

This seemed like fun until we actually heard what was going to happen. A quirk apprehension test. And the person ranked last is kicked out.

I can't get kicked out. Partly because I don't want to, and partly because my parents would execute me.

I tune into my classmate's heartbeats. The only person that seems as concerned as me is the kid with green hair. Which is odd, considering I saw him take down an entire robot in one punch when watching entrance exams.

And now I realize how I can use my quirk. I'm fairly athletic without a quirk, and with my quirk I can keep my heart at the right rate to participate.

And if a couple people sit out a round because they have a sudden panic or feel faint? Totally wasn't me.

I think Aizawa is catching on. Actually, no. I know he is. As long as I'm not in last place.

And I'm not. I'm third to last. The little purple guy that I beat looks confused that I placed ahead of him.

Honestly? I am too.

This whole experience has made me realize maybe my quirk doesn't fit in here. Maybe I should've placed last, and actually be sent home. Or maybe I just need sleep.
The next day, a new girl shows up. I like her, and Kirishima very much does too. Anyways.

New students aside, my mother told me that I need to "redeem myself" today. How so wasn't specified.

We also got our hero costumes!! I have pink and black split cargo pants, black combat boots, and a mauve pink cropped tank top, which isn't cotton or spandex but like, a nice mix of both. I also have black mental armbands, on my bicep and my wrists, with pink hearts around the upper rim!!!

Soon after, we have a mock battle. I'm in a group of three, with Tokoyami and Tsu. We're heroes and we're up against.....Sero and Kirishima.

But how do I tell my team that I can go into the room and get the weapon on my own? Just trust me bro?

"Okay" I turn to them, "If you two cover this entire floor, I can sneak into the room where the weapon is guarded. I don't know who is going to be where, but I know any of us can take either of them."

"Are you sure?" Tokoyami asks.

"If I need help, I'll call out...somehow. We got this, guys!"

I run up the stairs, and pass Sero going down. I dart behind a column as soon as I get to the room.

"You don't have to hide, Maris. I saw you run up here." Kirishima says from his guarding position.

"You know what Kiri? I'm ok where I am, actually. Don't feel like fighting a rock man yet. It's too early." I can see him just around the corner of the column.

"Ok, fair, but can you move just a little? It's going to get boring soon."

"Is it?" I can hear his heart.


I bring his pulse down far enough so he passes out. When he hasn't moved in a sufficient amount of time, I grab the nuclear weapon.

I bring Kiri's heart rate up just enough so that he's conscious. He looks up at me with a confused look.

"Sorry Kiri. It got boring."

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