i'm not an anti-hero (or maybe i am)

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AN: hi sorry i disappeared many things happened including wattpad logging me out and missing my notifs but i'm back and here's ch 6

I wake up a grand total of five minutes before the medal ceremony. Which I am apparently in.

I hear someone move beside me, and I turn my head to see Recovery Girl.

"Did they, um, did they do the medals yet?"

She turns to me.

"No, not yet. There were some...complications with a medalist."

Sounds interesting.

"Am I allowed to go?"

"Yes, but you don't have to if you don't feel up for it, honey."

"I do!" I sit up, "I can go. I feel fine."

"Are you sure?"


I toss the sheets off of me and plant my feet on the ground. Before I know it, I'm guided to where Todoroki and Tokoyami stand. Todoroki placed second and Tokoyami and I tied for third. I have no clue where first place winner (I assume Bakugo) is.

I'm ushered to the podium, where I end up standing with Tokoyami. I know I probably still look half dead.

The world is still a little fuzzy. I'm tired. All-Might's words are all blending together. After I'm handed my medal, everything becomes background noise.


The next days off feel strange. I'm not famous, nowhere near it. But I keep getting stopped and asked if I died at the festival.

But I don't say yes. I never say yes to that.

I just passed out, that's all. Simple!

Either way, the train ride before school is calming, knowing I won't have to be in public for much longer.

When I walk into the classroom, I feel it go silent. I walk to my seat, hoping the whole class isn't staring at me.

"Are you okay?" Someone, I think Jirou, asks.

I nod.

"Nothing new. I don't want that to be the talk of the day," I say.

Just then, Bakugo walks in, gold medal still in his teeth. So I definitely won't be the talk of the day. Good.

Not long after, Aizawa and Midnight walk in, looking like they're ready to give us a presentation.

And they are. Today is the day we pick our hero names.

My hands start to shake. I've had this prepared for months. I look around the room, trying to see if anyone else is as nervous amidst the cheers in the room.

First, Aizawa hands out how many hero offers we got.

I got 2,936.

I don't know how I'm going to pick from that. Maybe I'll have it be randomly picked. Or I'll just not choose. Or I can have Aizawa choose for me. Or—

"I got 2,936! How many did you get?" AJ exclaims.

I smile despite of myself.

On the inside, I feel myself boil. How come she got as much as me? I know placement in the tournament isn't the only factor, but it still affects it? I literally died, and yet heroes don't seem to see that as "desirable enough". I don't understand. I'm being the best I can be, and that led me nowhere.

"2,936," I say, looking at my paper.

She laughs.

"Nice! Congrats!"


I turn back to the front. Why did she congratulate me? Why was she nice, and not striving to beat me in any possible way? I wasn't even nice to her. I didn't even congratulate her. I should've, but my stupid ego got the best of me and I didn't even congratulate her. And it's cool that I got more offers, but not cool enough to be like that. And yet she was nice to me. Why? I don't deserve that. She should be a raging bitch, that's easier.

I can't believe I didn't even congratulate her back.

I push away the pit in my stomach and refocus myself to the task at hand.

"And Midnight and I will have final say if you're names are fit for a hero or not," Aizawa concludes with.

I stare down at the board in front of me. I got this. When it's my turn, I try to collect myself to go up to the podium.

I hold up my name, trying to steady my shaky hands.

"I know it can come off as villain-y or an anti-hero, but I've had this in mind for months. I considered all possibilities, but this fits best and I really like it, so..."

Midnight looks at Aizawa and nods.

"I like it. It has a nice ring to it. And, obviously, pairs well with your quirk. Congratulations, Heartbreaker."

I smile, and go back to my seat.

I look at my offers, trying to decide which internship would be best. I cross off all the men, which leaves me with 900. When I narrow down location, I have 400.

No one really stands out to me.

I really don't want to do this.

I start crossing off names, one by one. Who interests me the least. I end up with 2.

Uwabami and Ryukyu.

I groan and put my head down on my desk.

"Everything good?" I hear Kiri ask.

I mean, I don't think I'm deserving of kindness and I also don't want to do a fundamental hero internship because I don't like what I've always wanted to do, but, yeah. It's all good.

"Just don't know who to pick," I say, voice muffled.

I pick my head up as he peers at my paper.

"Well, if it's any help, I think Momo is going with Uwabami," is all he says.

I nod.

"And I didn't think she'd be the kind of hero you'd gravitate towards. I'm not sure why."

I look at him. We're both quiet for a moment.

"Thanks," is all I can muster.

Before I know it, I'm signed up for an internship with Ryukyu.

This should be good, right? She seems cool. And she's top 10, so that's even better.

But something still doesn't seem right.

As we stand up to leave, I tap AJ on the shoulder. She turns.

"I just didn't say congrats earlier, for your offers. So congratulations," I say, quieter than usual.

She smiles.

"Thanks, Maris."

I nod and run out of the room before she can ask what brought about my sudden change of heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2022 ⏰

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