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"So, how are you feeling?"

Shuichi and Kaede had completeted the tour. The second floor was comprised mostly of rooms Shuichi had already seen, and spaces dedicated to research and experimenting, as well as an armory and lounge. She had briefly taken him too the roof, which had a station for collecting rainwater set up and a pen with live chickens.

They were currently on the third floor, in an empty classroom that was to be Shuichi's bedroom. The two of them had done their best to haul a mattress, bedding, and some clothes that would fit him up from a storage room on the first floor. It had taken quite a bit of time and effort, and they were both exhausted.

She had also graciously offered to help with setting everything up and unpacking what little he had taken with him, trying her best to make the place feel more familiar. But it still didn't. It felt like everything that had happened was sinking in, and he just wanted things to go back to the way they were.

They were sitting toghther on Shuichi's makeshift bed, chatting absentmindedly, when she had asked him that question.

"Ah, well, I've been better. But I think I'm doing okay..." He mumbled, scratching the back of his neck.

"That's good." She smiled. "I just thought I'd check in on you. I mean, I bet all this is pretty stressful! It was for me." 

He swallowed back a lump in his throat. "I appreciate it. It certainly is. I don't really feel... I mean, I guess it just doesn't seem like I fit here too well." He stammered. Her face fell a bit, and she placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Aw, don't say that. We're all happy to have you here. I mean, the more the merrier, right? I'm just glad to even see you alive." She stated. "We're all pretty different in our own ways. But we manage. You'll make a great addition to the family!"

He doubted her words, but she sounded so sure of it he couldn't bring himself to protest. "I know. But... ah, how do I say this... some of them aren't the easiest to get along with..." He mumbled, feeling embarrased for even saying something like that. But he didn't get a negative response whatseover.

"Kokichi and Miu, right?" She asked.

He nodded. "Yeah. And i-it's not that I don't like them or anything! They're just... I don't know." He exclaimed hastily, not wanting to talk down on Kaede's friends.

"Don't worry, I understand perfectly. Miu can be a bit eccentric, but she's a real sweetheart once you get to know her. We're dating, actuallly, in case you couldn't tell! So believe me when I say that she isn't so bad. She's just hard to manage." She declared.

Shuichi, in fact, hadn't really caught on to that. Kokichi had adressed Kaede as Miu's girlfriend when he called out for her, but that very well could have been some sort of joke on his part. He didn't mind, though. He had always known Kaede liked girls, and it didn't matter to him. But still, they seemed so different.

"Oh, really? I'm happy for you." He declared softly, smiling. He truly meant it.

"Thanks, Shuichi! That means a ton." She grinned, but it soon turned into a thoughtful and intense expression. "As for Kokichi... I don't even know where to start."

He chuckled. "That's a pretty good way to describe him."

"I know he seems like a total prick, and he can be. But it's not the only thing to him. His lies get old, and I wish he could be more honest, but it just seems to be a part of him. He's not usually as nasty as he was tonight. In fact, he can be pretty fun to be around. I'm really not sure what's going on, to be honest." She trailed off.

Shuichi wasn't sure how true this was, as she had a tendency to look on the bright side at all times, even when the "bright side" was barely a miniscule speck of light. Though she wasn't a fan of liars, so a small part of him believed there was some weight to her words.

"It might have something to do with me." He mumbled, suddenly feeling a bit ashamed. He had just stumbled into their lives and changed the somewhat normal lifestyle they had going, and now he was undoubtedly here to stay. 

"Well, I don't think it's you that's the problem. He has a tendency to put up a wall around people he doesn't recognize. He wants to make sure he stays a million miles apart from everyone, and it's hard to get him to tear down even one brick. " She explained, tapping her finger on the side of her face. "I can't blame him, really. After what happened, anyone would have some issues. But if you try hard enough, he'll open up just a bit."

He didn't exactly know what to say. Kokichi was certainly a difficult case- but an interesting one. And as a person who had a certain flair for unraveling lies, it tugged just a bit at the corners of his mind. 

He wasn't sure about befriending him, or even the others, for the time being. It hurt too much for him to try and shove himself back into the normal swing of things. But it was something to think about.

"I'll do my best." Shuichi replied. Even he didn't know if it was true or not.

"Come to think of it, it's starting to get a little late. You seem tired. Do you need anything else?" Kaede questioned, rising to her feet.

Shuichi didn't want to be alone, but at the same time, he did. He finally had a somewhat safe place to rest, and he wanted to lay down on that mattress on the floor, close his eyes, and sleep for the rest of time.

"No, not that I can think of..." Shuichi responded. "Thank you, Kaede. For everything. I'm not sure what I'd do without you here."

She giggled. "Don't be dramatic. I'm sure you'd figure it out. But I'm happy to help you in any way I can!" She exclaimed cheerfully. "If you need anything else, I'll probably be in my room. Just knock anytime, alright?"

He knew he probably wouldn't, but it was nice to be reminded that someone was there to support him. He nodded. "Alright. I'll see you tomorrow, Kaede."

"Night, Shuichi!" She bid him goodnight as if they were two normal teenagers, and they were going to go to sleep, wake up in their fully furnished bedrooms, and head to school for yet another day, completely free of Infected or giant bloodthirsty creatures or parasitic fungi. Whether he appreciated her unwavering happy-go-lucky nature or not, it was hard to tell, but it was comforting and familiar at the very least.

She left the room, gently shutting the door behind her. He collapsed backwards limply, as if someone had instructed a ragdoll to sit up on its own. He figured he should get changed out of the dirty and sweaty clothes he had on, or at the very least get under the covers. But as he lay there, finally having a comfortable and safe place to be away from whatever the world had become, he felt too tired to do anything at all.

Though it didn't feel like home yet, he didn't care. It was something, and he tried to erase his troubled thoughts and let himself rest.

He let his eyes flutter closed and felt his conciousness start to drift away, hopefully into a dream of normalcy and happiness, a world created by his own mind in his sleep that didn't have the image of his family's mutilated corpses constantly in the background.

Maybe things can get better. 

And so both him and Kokichi lay in their rooms, trying not to think too much about each other, their feelings a distressed, tangled disarry.

sorry for any of y'all who don't like saimatsu but platonic (and even romantic but platonic more tbh) saimatsu has my entire heart and i need it ok

this fic is prolly gonna be hella slowburn and hopefully more interesting hhh

how do build relationship

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