Chapter 10

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It was morning. The population of Port Royal was here to witness the hanging of Captain Jack Sparrow. The soldiers are playing the "death beating" of the drums. Jack is standing, looking serious as the rope is right in front of him. All eyes are on Jack, though he gave a quick glance to Y/n when he saw her walking in next to Elizabeth, along with Governor Swann and Norrington. Y/n was wearing a black dress, but underneath there was a surprise turn of events for Jack.

"Jack Sparrow, you have been charged with". "Captain, Captain Jack Sparrow" Y/n and Jack muttered when the announcer made his mistake on the paper. Elizabeth heard and held her shoulder as a source of comfort. "Tried and convicted for your willful commission of crime against the crown". A figure with a red cape and a similar hat style was walking toward the crowd admiring the view.

"Said crimes are numerous in quantity and sinister in nature, the most egregious of which are: piracy, smuggling...". Elizabeth realized, "This is wrong." Norrington, Swann, and Y/n looked at her. "Commodore Norrington is bound by the law. As are we all, "he said. "Not all," Y/n stated. They looked at her and then back at Jack. "...impersonating an officer of the Spanish Royal Navy, impersonating a cleric of the Church of England.." Y/n laughed a little at that special memory when Jack personated a cleric.

"Ah, yes," Jack smiled and turned to the executioner, but stopped smiling and looked ahead. "...Sailing under false colors, arson, kidnapping, looting, poaching, brigandage, pilfering, depravity, depredation, and general lawlessness. For these crimes, you have been sentenced to be hung by the neck until dead. The figure with the red cape started to walk the opposite and headed toward Elizabeth and Y/n. It was Will who formally bowed, "Governor Swann. Commodore. Y/n. Elizabeth". She looked at him when he called her name.

"I should have told you everyday from the moment I met you. I love you " Elizabeth, shocked with her mouth open at his confession, while Norrington and Swann, shocked as well, look at her. "What a lovely confession moment, Turner, but next time in a more romantic setting instead of a hanging of Sparrow." Y/n smiled, giving him a wink. She looked at Elizabeth. "You must excuse me. I can't watch his hanging. Also, Elizabeth, I suggest you follow along with his true feelings for you." She walked off.

Will quickly started to walk toward the hanging. The drums were now continuing the same beat as the executioner started to put the rope around Jack's neck. Elizabeth turned and saw a familiar parrot on a pole and started to fly away, realizing Will's and Y/n's plan: Save Captain Jack Sparrow from hanging. Will started to shove people to make his way toward the front. Norrington noticed and ordered "Marines" Elizabeth noticed and quickly said "I can't breath" and passed out. "Elizabeth!" Norrington and Swann noticed and quickly guided her.

The executioner grabbed the lever as Will was drawing his sword. "Move!" Will screamed, getting quite close to the front. Governor Swann was fanning Elizabeth from her collapsed episode, but she rose in an instant as the executioner let go of the lever. Norrington and Swann realized what she had done and ran to the front. Jack was hanged for 1 second as Will threw his sword below Jack's feet so that he could breath. Jack manages to stand on the sword at the tip of his feet while Will goes up and fights the executioner. Norrington and his soldiers try to move ahead.

The executioner managed to cut the rope with his axe and Jack fell underneath. Will pushed the executioner off the rail and landed on Norrington and some of his men. Y/n was underneath where Jack fell off and freed Jack from his tied hands and took off her dress, revealing her regular pirate outfit. They grabbed a rope as Will jumped rolled off the rail and the three held on to the rope as they ran. Three soldiers were running toward them and they used the rope to stop the soldiers.

They ducked when three more came and tripped them over and continued running up the stone stairs. Y/n let's go of the rope and punches two soldiers in the face as Jack and Will wrapped the rope around them and tugged them toward a pillar while they were on the opposite side. Y/n sword fought a few as they kept moving, and the three rolled over and finally, as they turned over from backing to a pillar, they were surrounded by soldiers. Will and Y/n used their swords, turning each side to protect Jack. Jack looked at Y/n and whispered, "I can't believe you saved my life." He smirked.

She held onto his hand. "Anything for a lover, Jack," she winked. Norrington shows up with a sword pointing at Will. "I thought we might have endured some manner of ill-conceived escape attempt, but not from either of you," Norrington said as Y/n and Jack turned around. "You've given us no choice in the matter," Y/n said. Governor Swann showed up. "On our return to Port Royal, I granted you both clemency, and this is how you thank me, by throwing in your lot for him" he said as Elizabeth showed up. "He's a pirate!" Swann said. Y/n and Will dropped their swords. "And a good man. "If all I achieved here is that the hangman will earn three pairs of boots instead of one, so be it," Will said.

"At least our conscience will be clear instead of you lot being guilty," Y/n added. Norrington goes closer as his sword is at Will's neck. "You forgot your place, Turner," Norrington says. "It's right here, between us and Jack," Will said. Elizabeth takes our side and holds Will's hand. Y/n and Jack look surprised when she says "As is mine" and looks at Will. "Elizabeth! Governor Swann orders the soldiers to drop their weapons. "For goodness sake, put them down!" he ordered again, and they lowered their weapons.

Norrington realized the truth "So this is where your heart truly lies, then?" he asks Elizabeth. She nods, "It is". Jack noticed the parrot and realized, "Well, I'm actually feeling rather good about this. I think we've all arrived at a very special place. spiritually, economically, grammatically." Jack then went to Norrington "I want you to know that I was rooting for you, mate. "Know that". Then he continued to walk, but stopped and looked at the three of us. "Y/n Luv, it's your choice whether to come join me or not, but I want you to know that I love you." He kissed her cheek. "Elizabeth, things will never work out between us. I'm sorry."

"Will. Nice hat!" He started to go up a few stairs and stood on the edge. "Friends! This will be the day that you will always remember that today you almost-" He fell over and fell into the ocean. Everyone looks below and sees Jack and notices the Black Pearl, and Jack swims off toward the ship. "Well Y/n, what's it going to be?" Will asks Y/n as she looks over. She smirks, "What's life without a little danger?" She chuckles. "Aside from that, being a lady was never a part of my life; it's just there in case." She looks at Will and Elizabeth and gives them a group hug. "I'm so glad you're both finally together! Also, when you get married, do send a message. You two are dear friends of mine, so thank you for your help. "

"Anytime" said Will. "Be careful Y/n, for we are friends always" Elizabeth smiles. Y/n smiles as she jumps over and falls into the ocean. As she swims to the Black Pearl and climbs up the ship, she sees Will and Elizabeth waving goodbye. Jack dropped a rope for her as she flew up the ship and landed on deck. "So I see you've made your decision Y/n." She looked and saw Jack behind the wheel of the Black Pearl. She walked up the stairs and went beside him. "Well, it seems I don't have anywhere else to go, and as I recall, somebody loves me back," she smirks. "Oh. Do tell, "he looks around. She laughs at his behavior.

"Captain Jack Sparrow is the man who loves me and I love him back," she smiles, wrapping her arms around him. She starts kissing his neck and he turns his head around. "Darling, we're finally together on the Pearl, with you," he says as he turns around and pulls her close. "Now... bring us that horizon," they kiss as the ship sails away across the seas, off to whatever adventure they get into trouble with. 

The end~

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