Chapter 2

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As Norrington was officially Commodore, he grasped the scabbard above Swann's hand, and Swann let go. Norrington drew his sword, flourished the sword, and snapped the blade in front of his face. Swann steps forward and places a medal pin on Norrington's jacket and steps back. Norrington nods at his fellow soldiers, the audience, dignitaries, merchants, plantation owners, and their families. Everyone applauds their Commodore.

After the ceremony, everyone was talking, drinking, and seemed to be enjoying their day. Elizabeth was fanning herself more than usual and it was a bit concerning to Y/n. "Elizabeth, are you sure you are alright? " Y/n was a bit worried about her friend because she knew that the dress was too tight. "I'm fine Y/n you don't need to worry about me, but there is someone who worries me". She faces Norrington's direction and can tell something is up. "Listen, if you wish, I can distract him while you go hide. I know the big question, and it's something you don't want".

"I can handle it Y/n" before she could say anything, Norrington came towards Elizabeth "Lady Maris". Norrington bowed to Y/n. "Commodore, congratulations," she curtsy. "Please your too kind." He has a kind smile and turns to Elizabeth. "May I have a moment?" he asks Elizabeth, extending his hand. She turns toward Y/n. She gives a simple nod and looks back at Norrington. "Of course," Elizabeth takes his hand and they head off toward the parapet. As they were talking, Y/n was just admiring the docks and noticed something quite strange. There were two red soldiers, but one of them wasn't a soldier. In fact, he looked very familiar.

"Is that...?" Y/n was close to realizing who that was, but got distracted by a loud splash. Y/n turned around quickly and realized Elizabeth had passed out and had plummeted to the sea. "Elizabeth!" screamed Norrington as he was getting ready to save her. Y/n immediately ran and didn't care about being a lady, for right now she had to save Elizabeth, her best friend. When she made it to the docks, she couldn't believe her eyes.

A pirate, but not just any pirate, it was Captain Jack Sparrow and for a second he looked up and saw Y/n. He couldn't believe his eyes, for the past 8 years Y/n thought about him and here they are face to face at the docks of Port royal. Y/n snapped back into reality and realized Elizabeth wasn't breathing. She ran and knelt down beside her. "She's not breathing" said Mullroy, a red guard. "Move" said Jack as he pushes Mullroy and kneels over Elizabeth. Y/n knows what Jack is about to do, he grabs his knife and slits the corset down the middle. The moment Jack yanks the corset Elizabeth coughs up water and starts to breath. "I would never have thought of that" says Mullroy "Clearly, you've never been to Singapore" Y/n and Jack both say it at the same time. Jack looks at Y/n, they both smirk at one another.

"Ello luv" Jack looked at Y/n and he stared at her very closely. Y/n was about to say something when she noticed a round golden necklace around Elizabeth's neck, which Jack also noticed. "Where did you get this?" Jack asked, but before Elizabeth could respond, the blade of a sword was at Jack's throat. "On your feet!" ordered Norrington. As Jack rose, so did Y/n and Elizabeth. "Elizabeth, are you alright?" Governor Swann put his jacket on her and he looked at Y/n. "Y/n, are you alright as well?". "Yes I-I'm fine" Y/n tried to not stare a lot at Jack, but she couldn't help it. "Commodore Norrington, do you really intend to kill my rescuer?" Elizabeth said.

Norrington looks at Jack. He sheathes his sword and extends his hand. "I believe thanks are in order". Jack takes Norrington's hand, but Norrington tightens his grip and exposes a letter P branded on Jack. Y/n saw and gave a firm stare. She knew the story Jack told her a long time ago. Jack gave a glance at Y/n and saw she was staring, but then their eyes met again and Y/n had to look away. Y/n knew she had to try and save Jack.

Norrington also noticed a tattoo, a small bird in flight across water. "Well, well... Jack Sparrow is it?" Norrington asked. "Captain Jack Sparrow. "If you please," said Jack. Y/n laughed quietly at his response with a smirk in the back. "I don't see your ship, Captain," Norrington observed as he looked around. "These are the items, sir." Mullroy hands Jacks' things to Norrington. He looked through them. "You've got a pistol with only one shot, a compass that doesn't point north... and no ship. You are without a doubt the worst pirate I have ever heard of." "Ah, but you have heard of me". said Jack

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