Prologue: My Past

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A storm was about to emerge among the crew of Sparrow, as the Black Pearl sailed across the sea. Jack was in his cabin when all of a sudden, two pirates banged the door open and held Jack at gunpoint. "What's all the hullabaloo, gents?" Jack raised his hands in a sarcastic way as the two pirates growled with anger. Barbossa emerges from behind, and Jack tries to hide his shock and remains calm. "Sleeping away Jack? I believe it's time we knew who among us is the real Captain of the Pearl, "as Barbossa walks out, the two pirates grab Jack and "escort" him to the plank. As Jack was being escorted, (Y/n) was in the back, wishing to stop this from happening, but she knew that if she said something, they would try and kill her too.

As Jack is standing on the plank, he turns around and looks at Barbossa. "So this is how this plays out, aye Hector? Will you betray me by gushing me toward that island? " Jack asks and looks at his crew. "Is this what you all wish for me? To be dropped off to sea?" "AYE!" yelled all the pirates except (Y/n). "Very well gents, I shall leave as you wish," Jack says, turning to face his first mate. "I shall get my revenge by shooting you with this pistol and waiting to bugger your guts out, mate!". In his final words before he jumps off, he looks at Y/n and whispers something so that only she can hear it. "Sorry luv, we'll see each other soon." He turns away and jumps off the plank and swims off to the island. 

Barbossa is now Captain of the Black Pearl and orders his men to sail. As he's walking toward his cabin, he stops and looks at Y/n. "What would ye like, Maris?" Barbossa asked, but he knew the answer anyway. Y/n says, "You know fully well what I'd ask of you," says Y/n as her eyes are filled with a few tears as she's holding it in. "I wish to be dropped off immediately, for I shall not be part of this mutiny." "Ye can take a small boat to go somewhere where there is a town," and he steps into his cabin. 

"I suppose I should thank you, but it seems we are now in a neutral friendship" Y/n says in front of the door and puts her back against the door. "Despite what's just happened, Hector, take care". (Y/n) walks away and finds a small boat aboard the ship and sails away from the Black Pearl and off to the island of Port Royal.

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