Chapter 3

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Y/n couldn't believe the day she'd been through. She knows Jack is alive, but is now in a cell. After what happened to Elizabeth, she invited Y/n to stay with her for the rest of the evening and so she did. As Elizabeth was in her bed reading, Y/n kept thinking of how in the world to save Jack. Her thoughts were interrupted when a maid, Estrella, walked in. "Oh Ms., you must have a wild day today," the maid said as she was putting a bed warmer inside Elizabeth's bed.

"Yes, a fine marriage proposal from Commodore Norrington". Elizabeth sighs. "I mean about that scary pirate, but well, he proposed fancy that!". Estrella, said puzzledly to Elizabeth, Elizabeth clearly looked sad and Y/n noticed. "Elizabeth, perhaps there's someone else..". Elizabeth turned to Y/n and gave her a small smile. "You already know we talked about this Y/n".

Estrella shrugged and left the room. As Y/n saw her leave, she walked toward Elizabeth and sat on her bed. "Elizabeth, you must not marry someone for a pair, it must be for love!" Elizabeth looked down and sighed, "I just can't Y/n if only you knew... the secret." Y/n tilted her head, "What secret?" Before she could respond, the light in the room vanished. They looked at one another and then back at the light. "That's odd," Elizabeth said as she felt a fog chill.

Y/n felt something was wrong. All of a sudden, the both of them heard large booms coming outside. "I know those guns!" Y/n thought as she headed out on the balcony. Her eyes widened "The Black Pearl" Y/n whispered. The very ship 8 years ago here at Port Royal and under attack. Elizabeth was behind Y/n and was wide eyed as well.

"We need to move now!" Elizabeth grabbed Y/n's hand and moved quickly downstairs. As they were moving quickly, they heard a knock at the front door and a servant was opening the door. "No!" Elizabeth yelled, but it was too late. As the door opened, a group of pirates were at the door and in front was the leader of the group, Pintel "Ello mate" shots were fired at the butler.

Elizabeth screamed and lowered her head in horror as Y/n soothed her and tried to analyze how to escape. Pintel noticed the girls and yelled "Up there!" Y/n grabbed Elizabeth's hand and ran up the stairs. Pintel and Ragetti ran after Y/n and Elizabeth. They made it to an empty parlor and tried to block the door. "Quickly in here!" Elizabeth dragged Y/n into the closet and they stayed put.

"I can't believe pirates are attacking us!" Elizabeth whispered. "I can, and something tells me they're after that medallion of yours" Y/n points at the necklace as Elizabeth looks down. Y/n couldn't believe that Elizabeth had Aztec Gold, the curse from the Isla de la Muerte. "Y/n... I can explain." "Elizabeth I know your not a pirate, but I-" the pirates broke down the barrier and the girls went completely silent. "We know you are in here, ladies," Pintel said. "Come out and we won't harm you".

Ragetti looked at Pintel with a confused look. Pintel gave a glare. "Ohhh" Ragetti understood. "You ladies have something we have" As he said this, Elizabeth looked at the medallion. "Hello ladies" Pintel found us. As they opened the door quickly, Y/n said something at the top of her head, "Par... Parley!" Her hands stopped. All three looked at her and then Elizabeth went beside her.

Pintel couldn't believe his ears. "What?" "We" Y/n pointed at herself and Elizabeth, "Invoke the right of parley". As Ragetti pointed out, "but she's not a p-" "Of course she is!" Pintel looked at his mate then turned to Y/n. "Hello again, Maris." He smiled coldly for a second. "Very nice to see you too under the circumstances." Y/n was said sarcastically. "I believe you want the medallion because I know what it is."

Elizabeth turned to Y/n and asked, "How do they know you?" "I apologize Elizabeth. I wish I had told you sooner." Y/n sighed as Elizabeth looked at her with confusion. Y/n turned back to the pirates, "Enough talk, take us to the captain."

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