- ➴ Ch 21 : Truths

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⌢ : ♡ ⤹ ぃ ゚

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⌢ : ♡ ⤹ ぃ ゚. ﹏﹏﹏

TW: 2.1 spoiler, I'm so sorry! ):

"I need you to help me."

She and I sat in complete silence as we sat in a secluded area outside the Palace. Lumine decided to come to Scaramouche and I for help after months went by without seeing or hearing of her. Even though I was truly willing to help her, I couldn't help but feel hatred towards her. She was working alongside someone who was trying his hardest to kill Scaramouche and I, why should I help her? She had came all this way just to beg for help, what if she was just pretending, what if it was another trap? She went out of her way as to physically hurting Scaramouche, and she did it without hesitation. Yet I couldn't help but wonder, was she just being used by Childe?

"Why should we help you?" I said as I glared at her.

She threw her hands up and rested them on her hips.

"Seriously! I can't keep running around with him. I never wanted to be around him in the first place! I need help, because if I keep doing pointless things with him he'll only get me killed."

I shifted a bit, folding my arms as I continued to look at her. I turned to Scaramouche in hopes he'd say something, but he sat there staring quietly, staring daggers into her face.

"You go out of your way to harm one of the Fatui Harbingers and work alongside the enemy and now you're begging for help? Pathetic." I spat.

"Look! I know it's bad, but I was only doing it because he promised to help me! Listen, before I got myself into all this, he made a deal to help me with my quest, and I help him with his! That's the only reason why I'm doing all this."

"And what exactly is this quest you speak of?" Scaramouche said suddenly.

"...To find my brother."

I stiffened and the air around us became silent again as we both decided to think of if we should help her or not. She sounded genuine, but with her past actions it really was hard to trust her. Scaramouche sighed extremely loud and rested his hands on his hips, tapping his foot before drawing his sword, pressing it against her forehead began dragging it, cutting a line. Lumine cried out in pain as she held her forehead, blood seeping from it onto her hand as tears came from her eyes.

"If you dare betray us or trick us, I'll be doing more than cutting a line, you understand me?"

She quickly nodded and I handed her a headwrap for her wound.

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