- ➴ Ch 26 : I want you

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If any NSFW makes you uncomfortable do not read.

You have been warned.

Years later, (after official marriage.)

I sat nervously in my shared room as I tried to distract myself by reading. The reason I was so nervous was because this was the day Scaramouche and I were going to try for a child. Every month we would try for a baby, and we failed each time. After days of crying and wondering where we went wrong we were finally ready to try again. Although we loved the process of trying to have a baby, it was saddening that the outcome was never what we wanted. It was nerve wracking, as we didn't know the outcome as usual, but we were extremely determined. Of course, before trying we took classes after our honeymoon and prepared by babysitting different types of kids.

I even had asked pregnant or previously pregnant ladies any tips on pregnancy, and although I knew every experience was different, it still was interesting to know some of the things I had a change of going though. Honestly it made me so nervous, but I was ready, and if we failed this month we promised not to become disappointed, but to just keep trying until we decided that we probably weren't ready.

New month, new opportunity.

Scaramouche was coming home soon from work, so I had to mentally prepare myself. I let the dogs stay with Childe and Lumine for a bit as I didn't want to scare them or make them worried, it just felt weird to have them hear things.

Soon, the door downstairs wiggled and I could tell it was him. I rushed downstairs and threw myself on him, which caused him to stumble before standing straight again and hugging me back.

"Hello princess."

I kissed his cheek and went into the kitchen to make him something to eat.

"How was everything at the  shop?"

He twirled a string in his hand.

"Busy, Childe kept losing everything like an idiot."

I raised an eyebrow.

"I'm surprised he even showed up."

Scara scoffed. "Yeah he shows up for once and makes a big mess by losing every kite he touches."

I chuckled and placed his food in front of him, which he happily ate. A few minutes later we were in our bedroom, cuddling next to each other and I felt as he drew circles onto my back, as usual before he went to sleep.

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