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Mayrah had a good summer this year with she and her muggle guardians going on a trip. She was set for another magical year at Hogwarts, hoping for it to be better than last year.
She didn't know Cedric Diggory well but his death felt like a personal loss, Cho was a good friend and Mayrah knew how bad it was for her. Alas, they had to now know that there was a war waiting for them. Yes, she believed Harry Potter, the dark lord was indeed back.

She bade a goodbye to her muggle guardians, and went across the wall to platform 9 3/4. The scarlet Hogwarts express was waiting with most of the students on board.
She quickly boarded with her belongings and set out to meet her best friend, Luna Lovegood, who was also a fellow Ravenclaw.
Most people found her a bit weird but she suited to Mayrah, she looked at things with a different perspective and was a super loyal friend.
She saw Luna in the compartment with, Neville, Ginny and Harry.

"Hi Luna!", Mayrah said taking the empty seat beside Harry and across from Luna.
The other three had an expression of slight amusement on their faces as she usually got being friends with Luna, and not to be rude but she definitely found it annoying. She was good friends with Ginny too, so they passed each other smiles.
"Would you like the copy of Quibbler that you asked for?", Luna asked.
"Yes please!", Mayrah said taking one copy for herself and flicking a couple of pages.
"You believe in this stuff?", Harry asked in a hardly audible whisper."
She passed a nod behind the pages of the magazine.
"Had a good summer?", Ginny asked.
"Yes! How about you guys?", she asked the other three as she already knew all about the details of Luna's summer through owls they sent to each other.
Neville and Ginny nodded enthusiastically but her smile faded when Harry gave a brief nod.

'Of course, he didn't have a good summer, Cedric died in front of his eyes! Idiot Mayrah asking annoying questions!', She thought to herself.

"Sorry.", she said with a sad smile.
"Its okay.", he replied with a brief nod.

"Hope the court hearing went well Harry, must have been hard.", she said still flicking through articles of Quibbler but glanced at him sympathetically.
"Yeah, I am sure you believe that I am a plain liar like everyone else!", Harry almost snapped.
"Harry! At least sense her tone!", Ginny reprimanded.
"It's alright. You got to know that there are people who believe in you Harry. I am one of them.", she said with a smile and concentrated back to Quibbler.
"I am sorry. I am all worked up.", he said with a small smile and shrug.

"Its alright. Mayrah forgets that people sometimes don't want to talk about things.", Luna said in her dreamy voice from behind her copy of magazine.
Mayrah nodded guiltily.
"Haven't seen you around much though? Except the first two years.", Neville asked nervously.
"Most of my classes are with Hufflepuffs, one or two with Slytherins. That's why.", she replied.
"And last year she spent a couple of months at St. Mungos", Luna said absent minded looking outside the window.
"Yep. That too.",Mayrah replied, looking like the others shouldn't have known about that.

"Hey you guys!", Hermoine and Ron chorused as they came back from the prefects compartment and patrolling.

"Hi!", everyone chorused.
"What are you doing here?", Ron asked rather abruptly to Mayrah, earning a nudge from Hermione.

"Came here to sit with Luna, its okay will go somewhere else, if you all have an issue.", Mayrah said getting up with her copy of Quibbler and going out of the compartment.

"Ron! That was so rude!", Ginny scolded.
"Yeah! What was that about?", Hermione asked.
"Don't you all know who she is?", Ron asked amused.
"Well, I particularly don't endorse what Ron did, but yes, he has got a point. She is not as simple as she looks.", Neville put a point surprising everyone.
"Well, who is she?", Harry asked, as he didn't really know Mayrah before that day.
"You only see the past of the person Ron, she deserves a second chance.", Luna said with her gaze still at the window.
"Why are we sitting with Loony Lovegood?", Hermione asked in a whisper to Ginny.
"Everywhere else was full, besides she and Mayrah were an interesting company.", Ginny replied in a low voice glaring at Ron.
Ron shrugged.
Mayrah never went to another compartment, everywhere else was full and she didn't want people to see her sad, so she sat on one of the train gate's edges.
Soon she saw, Hogsmeade approaching, she changed into her robes and went to gather her belongings.

On the way out, she saw a stream of Slytherins climbing down, so she waited, didn't want to get into a fight with any of those class-apart idiots.

At last, she saw the crowd almost done so she, dragged her trunk, when her necklace got entangled with her robe. She was trying to remove it while moving out, thats when she bumped into a hard surface.
"Watch where you are going.", A deep male voice commented snarkily.
"No need to be such an arse Malfoy", Mayrah said without looking up as she had recognised his voice.
He loved bullying and had bullied Mayrah ample of times in the last few years.
"Wow! Brownie learnt to speak!", he said piercing his grey eyes into her brown when she looked up. He often teased her with that racial slur as she was an Indian.

"Stop with that racist slur or I shall complain about you.", she said.
"What if I don't stop, Brownie?", he asked with a stupid smirk.
"Then remember Malfoy, this year in Defense Against the Dark Arts, we are learning some amazing Hexes, I would love to practice them on you!", she said pulling over her trunk and crushing his toe with it.
"Ouch!", he immediately reacted.
"Serves you right! Git!", she said with a flick of her hair and went off.

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Hope you enjoyed reading chapter 1!

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