Ch-17- Year Six

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Mayrah kept her trunk at the castle door and went in for a quick breakfast before leaving. In the past two days, she was with Luna and others, taking care of them, helping to nurse them to good health.

The daily prophet had printed a full print on the incident, proof of voldermort's comeback, inquiry on Umbridge and her ways, Cornelius Fudge was being removed as Minister for Magic, and the shame with Malfoys as well, as Lucius was locked up in Azkaban.

She was playing with her breakfast, when Luna came and sat next to her.

"Haven't heard from him yet?", Luna asked.

"No, I really hope he is okay. All of this must be a huge toll.", she said shaking her head in despair, "Not that I am endorsing what Mr. Malfoy did.", she added checking the bandage on Luna's hand.

"For the 100th time Mayrah, it was not your fault.", Ginny said joining them, she had come to talk to Luna. Mayrah gave back a small smile, having a bite or two forcefully given her lost appetite, she got up and left for Hogwarts express with Luna.

She wanted to send an Owl to Malfoy Manor but found that too risky under the given circumstances. For now, she wanted to reach home, get in her own bed and go to sleep.

(3 months later)

Destruction. Deaths. Devastation.

The three adjectives that defined the summer that went by. The magical havoc and destruction had penetrated the muggle world too, with accidents and damages happening everyday but muggles didn't realise what was happening, they thought of it has a massive unrest of some kind. Mayrah packed her trunk and went for a tea with her guardians before leaving for platform 9 3/4.

She had not heard much from Draco except one single owl mail that went like:


I am doing good, don't worry about me. Just be safe. Safeguard your guardians.
I won't be able to send anymore letters this summer, I am a little preoccupied with court proceedings and stuff.


Something about the tone of that letter made Mayrah not send him any more letters or try to communicate with him, she had gone for weeks now without any news on him, she half expected to see him in Diagon Alley when she went for year 6 books and to cheer the Weasely twins for their joke shop inaugration but she didn't catch a sight of him.

She went to the kitchen and sat on one of the bar stools where her guardian dad Mayank brought in tea and her guardian mom Misha got snacks. She always called them by the first name as she shared an intimate friendship and more of a responsible elder sibling relationship with them rather than a parent- child relationship, also they were Alyla's age and Mayrah called Alyla with her first name. For the couple, they couldn't have children of their own, so Mayrah was the only joy of their life that way. 

"Nothing compares to the food you make Misha." , Mayrah complimented taking a bite of homemade biscuits and sipping down tea.

The couple shifted uncomfortably in their seats, talking to each other with eye movements.

"What is it?", Mayrah asked sensing the tension.

Mayank took a deep breath before saying, "We know you can't reveal what is going on in your world but we can see the things are not going like they should. You know where you come from Mayrah, tell us honestly, is there any danger on you?"

Mayrah looked into each of their concerned eyes, sighed and said, "You both got to stop worrying about me. I am going to be fine. Just be safe okay? I will keep you two posted regularly.", she said keeping hand over both of their hands.

Falling For The Ravenclaw Girl - A Draco Malfoy FanficWhere stories live. Discover now