𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 6

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I'm the last archer standing atop of this tower. I then went over to my fallen soldiers and took all their arrows so I'm sure I don't run out. As I take my aim I notice a spikey wooden ball hit the other tower. As it connected with the tower a loud explosion was heard, I lowered my bow and jumped from the tower I was shooting from into the mote below. The reason I did that is I saw another explosive heading my way.

When I safely landed in the water I heard the muffled sounds of the explosion. I quickly swam to land and took a sword from a corpse as I try to find my husband. Explosions were going off left and right as I spot my husband fighting off two of the enemy soldiers. I quickly helped him out by stabbing one in the back which distracted the other one and Techno was able to kill him. "What the hell are you doing here? You are supposed to be at the top of the tower."

He asked, his voice worried and angry at the same time. "I was the last one standing when the tower was hit by an explosive. I managed to jump to safety." I said before two more soldiers rushed us. It didn't take long before the soldiers were dead. "I have a plan so we can get out of here safely but I'm not sure how believable it will be." He said as we ran at some more soldiers. Techno then explained his plan to me which was to wait for an explosion to go off near us.

He'd throw his sword and helmet in the crater it left so it looked like he was dead. He then asked me to take off something that people know is mine. I didn't have much but a dagger that had my name engraved in it so I handed it to him and he grabbed it. Like if my brother knew the plan another explosive went off a few meters from where Techno and I were standing. He quickly threw the items in.

 He grabbed my hand and we used the dust of the debris to sprint into the forest next to us. We ran for hours before we got too tired and stopped. We knew we were deep into the forest since we could no longer hear the sounds of war. "I can't believe we did it." He panted as we walked into a cave to stay in for the night. "I know it feels weird but I also feel guilt" I stated truthfully since I felt guilty for leaving.

"Please don't we are doing what we've always wanted too. Plus we don't have to worry about any stupid royal family responsibility." He said trying to cheer me up. "I know I just feel bad, I mean we left your family. What happens if my brother and his army slaughter your family?" I asked. "My family left to visit our cousin for their coronation." I sighed in relief once he told me that. As much as I despise my own family, Techno's family was always so nice to me.

His parents are some of the kindest people I know and his brothers made me feel welcome. "Now you look for firewood I'll go see if I can find some food for us. Can I use your bow?" He asked, I totally forgot I kept the bow and arrows. "Of course" I then handed him the weapons and he left. I walked around the area collecting the wood before returning to the cave when I noticed he was already back. "Good, do you know how to start a fire?"

He questioned and I shook my head no. "Okay come here, let me show you." He said. He smiled as I was able to start the fire. "I did it" I cheered and he just laughed. "See I told you it was easy" We exchanged laughs before he cooked the rabbits he hunted. "Look what I saved" I said pulling out the drawings of our house. "You brought them with you?" He questioned. "Of course, I didn't want to risk anyone finding them." I stated and he just nodded his head.

I also pulled out my mother's necklace and put it on. "Why'd you keep that necklace?" He asked when he saw me put it on. "It was my mother's, she died a few months ago and now since I'm away from my father I can wear it freely. He hated when I would wear it since it's in the shape of a raven's skull" I said. "Oh I uh didn't know your mother was deceased." He said remorsefully and we continued eating.

"It's okay honestly, with what we are doing now I'm happy she is gone. So she doesn't have to feel disappointed." He looked up at me before speaking. "Again enough with the guilt, we are about to build a life together without people breathing down our necks and without the corrupt views of the monarch. I wish I would have done this sooner but I'm happy I did this now because I'm not doing this alone. I have you with me, to help and encourage me"

He said, I was in shock of his words. He's never been this honest with me. "What are we going to do now?" I asked as we watched the fire burn. "Well tomorrow we go out and find a clear opening for the house and start building. We are going to need to find a town so I can get the tools to build the house, also we are going to need different clothes." He stated. "Well I know how to sew, if I get the fabrics I can make us some." I said and he nodded his head.

"Alright, but for now you should sleep. I'll take the first watch to make sure no wolves or bears come. I'll wake you when it's your turn." He said and I accepted laying down before drifting off to sleep thinking about my new future with Technoblade.

𝓜𝓪𝓻𝓻𝓲𝓪𝓰𝓮 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓑𝓵𝓸𝓸𝓭 𝓖𝓸𝓭Where stories live. Discover now