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After I finally unpacked all my clothes and extra necessities I decided to change into my overalls I always wear to paint. It still surprises me how everything was still in its place after all this time I was gone. The paints on the shelf were still there, expired too. The gallery's wrapped canvases lined the bottom shelves like books. Grabbing the paints that needed to be replaced, I wrote down the brand and color names. I folded up the paper and placed it in my bag getting ready to leave when FRIDAY says, "Welcome back Y/n happy to see you're back."
"Hey Friday what's up?"
"Mr.Stark would like everyone to get dressed because we're training today." I dropped my hands to my side putting on my most winey pout. 
"But he said I can relax I just got here."
"Yes, but Mr.Stark says it's crucial for you to train and payback for taking his cheese danish."
"But that was years ago how the hell does he remember that."
"I'm not quite sure, but I suggest you get dressed now so you are not late to training Y/n." I sighed and took a look at my closet. I took out some leggings, a tang top, and a gym jacket to wear and got changed. After getting changed, doing my hair, and putting on my shoes I began to walk to the hallway. When I passed over Bucky's room his door opened, coincidentally.
"Fancy seeing you here doll." He walked out to walk next to me I walked a little faster ignoring him.
"Still not talking to me ok." I began to walk even faster almost trotting to the elevator, his pace didn't change. Damn you long strides.
"Listen maybe we went off on the wrong start, hi I'm Bucky Barnes." He greaves my elbow making me stop.
"It's rude to not greet someone back Y/n." He stepped closer somehow I couldn't move like I was entranced. He became so close to me I could smell the amber and rose radiating off of him.
"Y-you know it's rude to invade a woman's personal space."

Why the fuck is my voice quivering, you're better than this Y/n.

"Like I said it's rude not to greet someone back." He said in a serious tone glancing down at my lips then back up.
"Maybe next time." I said pulling away from his intoxicating scent. I walked away feeling his gaze burning the back of my head. He continued to walk after me when I was almost at the elevator. I started sprinting desperately trying to get to the elevator. When I made it I frantically pressed the button going up as I hear Bucky jogging to get to the elevator. After a few seconds the doors opened letting me pass through.
"Keep the doors open Y/n." He called his jog now turning to a sprint. Just as he was about to reach the elevator the doors closed on him. I have him a better luck next time wave as the elevator went to the training room.

I got out of the elevator to see Bucky waiting for me with his arms crossed.
"How did you?" I questioned confused on how the hell he beat me. I mean this man had to take the stairs, right.
"Super Soldier doll, I'm a super soldier." I shook my head rolling my eyes walking out of the elevator and into the training room with Bucky following behind.
"Finally you two took forever. Wait you didn't do anything did you."
"Ha that's really funny Tony. He wishes." Times like these really contemplate men in general, ew. In the corner of my eye Bucky looked like he was smirking at me. Oh he better not be thinking anything. Steve, Natasha, Thor, Sam, Loki, Clint, and Peter were all there for training.
"Where's Vision, Wanda, and Banner?" Steve asked.
"Banner is on a cute little science fair campaign and Vision and Wanda are MIA." Tony explained.
"They're probably on a vacation mixing screwdrivers." Sam says looking around for anyone to get the joke. "Damn you guys are too serious."
"Moving on, everyone break off into partners, they will be your fighting buddy and we'll watch evaluating your fighting skills, cool." Tony explained  I rose my hand.
"Yes Y/n?"
"Thank you for the presentation teach can we train now I have a painting to do."
"Aww she paints here I thought she's too emo for that." Bucky says laughing to himself. I ignore him clenching my fists. I want to punch him so bad right now.

Everyone split up in their own groups except myself, Loki, and Bucky.

"Good afternoon darling," Loki said, "would you like to be my 'fighting buddy' for this session? It would be an honor training with you." Bucky decided to pitch into the conversation. "Actually I was wondering if you would want to partner up so I could teach you better combos."

Ummm does this look like moral combat to you, I think not.

"I'm sorry, but I think Loki is a better challenge for me." With that I walked away with Loki following in suit, Bucky's gave felt even more intense.

Little by little everyone fought in the ring using wooden weapons to simulate how they would fight on missions. By the time it came to me and Loki's turn he offered me his hand and helped me into the ring. He went on the other side readying his chosen weapons while I did the same. I glanced at Bucky, he was located in the back of the room arms crossed, he looked mad for literally no reason. Tony told us to get into our stance then blew a whistle for us to go.

We both sprinted towards the middle blocking each other with our wooden knives. I drop down to kicked him off his stance in one swift motion causing him to be unstable. I go for the head he clocks me with his right arm which gave an opening to my side striking me in the gut. Gasping for air I step back. He ran towards me resulting me in using his momentum to use my legs and black widow his way to the ground giving me the time to pin him down with my foot.

"Hey you copied my move, nice

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"Hey you copied my move, nice. Make sure your legs are straight, it prevents them from getting locked in his arm."
"Thanks." Loki struggled to get up as he clutched his back for comfort.
"Do you need help?" He put his hand up saying he was ok.  " I think I can manage, I must say you mortals know how to fight." I smiled at his remark.
"Alright we'll since I don't have a partner do I get to pick who I want to fight with?" Bucky asked from the back of the room. Steve looked over at him pointing to himself asking him to choose him. "I guess you could since you're special somehow." Tony answered. Peter averted Bucky's gaze, he was already intimidating as it is but to fight him was a whole different story. "Let's see here." He walked around everyone in the room trying to find someone to train with him then he came up to me. "Y/n get in the ring." I just stood there because no way in hell I'm fighting again, especially a super soldier.
"Don't be a brat doll it's not a good look on you. Be a good girl and get in the ring." He said, somehow we were questionably close, but I rolled my eyes and got back in the ring. I grabbed a fake knife and twisted it in my hand to get a feel of it, I pointed it towards him. "You ready to get your ass whooped by a girl?" He chuckled and got ready in his corner. Silence arose in the room until Tony blew his whistle.

I threw my knife at him, he dodged it catching the knife just as it was about to cut his cheek. He ran forward trying to take a high blow. I slid in the floor standing up behind him choking from behind. He elbowed my gut with his flesh arm and grabbed my throat with his metal one. He applied pressure only to the sides of my neck. Shit not now please. This man has a choking kink I'll tell you that. I kicked him in the balls, dropped down and used a stick to hit him in the head but he ducked and grabbed me by the waist flipping me over, hitting my back on the floor in front of him. 

It took us both a second to regain strength from that but I got back up kicking him in the face which knocked him out cold. I didn't want to stop all the anger built up inside me took over. I ran over to him sat on his chest and kept punching him in the face until Tony blew the whistle walking into the ring.
"Alright alright I think that's enough for today. Nat go get some ice and everyone else can go now. Y/n stay here."

Ah shit this isn't good.

Authors Note:
I think is is the longest chapter I wrote in this story so far lol. Hope you guys are enjoying the story and thank you so much for the support. 💛💛

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