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I was cringing as he sat next to on the bed, he just sat, he didn't extend his hand for a touch, his fingers were always in a clasp as he spoke to me. I only saw his hands all the time. He had long fingers like a lady, they were weird in a way. They didn't seem to go with his face or personality. I didn't know what to do with this party thing. I knew I had to be on my guard always. I had to find a way out of all this. I had to think quick and think smart, I was held against my will and this man seemed erratic and psychotic. I did not understand why his obsession towards me. There were hundred others who would go with him willingly just for the money, there would be women prettier than me, I never understood how obsession works. It always baffled me.

"Now be ready my darling, don't disappoint me." He left saying those words and kept looking back till he left. Creep. I hate the way his eyes graze my body, like his is taking something away just by looking at me like that.
I wanted revenge really more than anything else, I wanted to make a fool out of him. I wanted him to suffer, I wanted him to feel fear like I felt.

I felt much better hiding behind an eye mask, this one had a dress code. I guess all of them wanted to protect their identities while doing dark deeds. The dress made me uncomfortable, it had a plunging neckline and was backless.
"I need you to wear this watch, it has a tracker, although you can't step out without me this ensures that I can track you at all times. And don't try to remove it and have someone else wear it because it also tracks your heart rate. I'm sorry I'm doing this to you honey but I just want to be fair here and I want you to also enjoy your tiny piece of freedom. I know you must think of me as a monster but trust me I'm nice once you get to know me.. a bit... "
He puts the watch on my wrist, it is a rose gold studded watch that had a navy blue dial that matched my dress. I roll my eyes and turn towards the window.

The secluded bungalow had a huge garden that was divided by a well lit pathway. It looked beautiful and less sinister. It was night and a long drive, I was tired and hungry. On entering the place we were given some chilled champagne and canapes to nibble on. It was a dim light place with erotic paintings and figures dotting the place. As we went up the stairs, I could see people in pairs already half naked and making out. It was making me very uncomfortable, I didn't want to be touched by anyone even accidentally. I just kept my distance from everyone, especially Douglas, also that scent of his made me nauseous.
The stairs opened into a huge room full of orgies, there were naked people everywhere touching and sucking at eachother. The center of the room had a stage that was well lit and had a man gyrating on a woman who had someone else's dick in her mouth. A woman stepped on to the stage to smooch the gyrating man after she put a noose around his neck and tightened it. To me sex was sacred and hence I was never mentally, emotionally involved with anyone except Josh. I saw how these people enjoyed sex, it was just an act of entertainment, it was just a mear transaction. It meant nothing deep to them.

"Now dear isn't this arousing you? Don't you feel like to be touched like that ? Don't you want the same pleasure that you see right now?" He whispered in my ears, it sent shivers down my spine.
"I ... I am hungry, I need to eat." I say not knowing what else to say.
"Go help yourself while I wait for you here, remember don't be smart, you can't run away from me."
I nod my head, and leave his side. As I explore the place I see if there are things that I could use to my advantage. The rooms are full with people too and nothing seemed of use. I walk into the pantry to see a host of foods arranged in grandeur. I see a centre piece decorated with cut oranges and black grapes and an idea falls into my head. I quickly take what I need and I eat to keep my energy up and search if this place had a study and thank god it did and it was not only open but it was empty too. I quickly search and steal a couple of innocent looking things. I scout the entire place for phones or computers and don't find any. I see a letter opener, I take it, it is sharp, it can inflict serious damage when used smartly and think about putting it in my handbag like other things but what if he finds out? I think and I mentally kick myself as I get reminded of the metal detectors at the gates. Damn it! I put it back in its place and sneak back to the party hoping what I have would work and my plan would succeed.

It made me sick to my stomach seeing Douglas sucking on someone's pussy, cloth less, brazen and animalistic. The citrus I had wasn't any help with the nausea and I controlled my gag reflex. God! This is sick. I closed my eyes and looked away.

"Join us baby girl." He said, calling out to me in front of everyone, the nausea, the lights, everything made me dizzy and before I knew, I was on the floor. I tried hard not to lose consciousness but I felt awareness receding and leaving me helpless.

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