Chapter 1, Faint Scars

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"Scatter the grounds! I want every last one of them found and brought back!!" Ordered Abrahm as he sent his Biotides to go and search through the woods for the miraculously surviving members of the Baltornae tribe. "Why do they defy me? It makes all of this so pointless... Takes away the fun. Nevertheless, what fun is it when we cave in? Defiance is futile and nobody defies the Valentin Renegade!!! Hahahaha!!!!" Laughed Abrahm as he watch the scenes of chaos unfold as many frightened members of the tribe tried to flee for their lives but failed miserably as the Biotides quickly captured them and brought them to Abrahm. "Well now that you're all here... I'd like to make you all a deal." Said Abrahm as he snapped his fingers and the monstrous Biotides quickly readied up their sharp scorpion like tails, awaiting their orders to kill the tribesmen... "W-what do you want?" Asked one of the members who dared not to look Abrahm in the eyes as she spoke. "If you join the Renegade then I'll let you live... Refuse my offer and you'll die just like the rest of your pathetic friends." Answered Abrahm as his eyes glowed red while he smiled and looked at the tribesmen with a glare full of malice. "GO TO HELL, YOU SICK AND TWISTED BASTARD!!!" Shouted one of the tribe members as he struggled to break free of the Biotide's tight grasp but his efforts were fruitless as the Biotide instantly killed him... Abrahm watched with distaste as each of the tribesmen continuously rejected his offer until all but one member was left alive. "So what will you choose? A new life or an agonizing Death??" Asked Abrahm as he looked down at the frail and frightened little girl... She was small and skinny, to the point where you could just almost see her bones, it was almost as if she hadn't eaten anything in days or maybe even months! Her long hair was a dark shade of brown that looked almost black and her eyes were a bright shade of violet. "Well? I'm waiting for an answer... So you best choose wisely." Said Abrahm as he grew more and more impatient... The girl was silent as tears streamed down her face and her breath grew heavy. Abrahm sighed as he waved his hand and ordered the Biotides to release her and she fell onto her knees and her small body shaked violently as her eyes began to tear up and the girl began to weep softly to herself then Abrahm sighed deeply as he slowly knelt down and gently patted her head, immediately causing her body to flinch at his cold touch. "I'm sorry for being aggressive to a young frightened child like you... I can get impatient easily whenever I don't receive a direct answer but judging by how you're acting now, my only guess is that you're willing to accept my offer to join the Valentin Renegade, right?" Asked Abrahm as he rose up to his feet and looked down at the little girl whom slowly lifted her head up to look at him in the eyes and nervously nodded her head in agreement as she slowly rose up to her feet and just stayed completely silent. "Tell me, what's your name?" Asked Abrahm as he wipe her tears away. "K-kathrine, Sir... M-my name's Katherine." Answered the girl softly as she anxiously rubbed her still bruised and bloodstained arms. "Come, let's head on back to the Domeplex... I'll have Smyths tend to your wounds." Said Abrahm as he held his hand out to her and little Katherine nervously took hold of his hand and followed him back in the direction that faced towards the Domeplex with the Biotides following close behind them... On the way back, Abrahm noticed that Kat's body was shaking so he stopped in his tracks and took off his jacket and placed it around her shoulders. "Here, you can have it until we get back... I'll have Dovahcom arrange a new set of clothes for you." Said Abrahm as he took hold of her hand and they continued to walk down the dirt path. "S-sir Valentin... C-can I ask you something?" Asked Katherine nervously as she nervously bit her lower lip in fear of being scolded by Abrahm. "Sure..." Answered Abrahm as he glanced at her from his peripheral vision. "W-who is Dovahcom?" Asked Kat. "Well he's a friend that was made for me when I would have no one else to turn to... He's always been there for me." Answered Abrahm softly... The group made their way back to the Domeplex and once they entered the building, Abrahm ordered one of the Smyths to take Kat up to his room while he went to go and deal with some pestering reporters and other such distractions. The beast lurked around him so much that Abrahm may as well have them Kirochipped if it meant that they would finally leave him the fuck alone... Smyths led Katherine to Abrahm's bedroom and quickly began to tend to her wounds that were caused by the Biotide's sharp claws. Kat watched as the man did his duty and began to open up to him a little bit as if she was still talking to Abrahm. "All done for now... Do you need any more assistance, Miss?" Asked Smyths. "No, thank you, Smyths... I-I'm fine for now." Answered Katherine as she dismissed the man and was now left all alone in the room. 'Hmm, I-I always thought that Abrahm was a monster but he doesn't act like one at all when he's around me... Maybe the others were just wrong about him?' Thought Katherine as she wandered about the room and looked out the window to behold the breathtaking sight of the whole city of Nadoria from down below... Time had passed and a small knock was heard at the door to the room that was repeated 2 or 3 more times and Dovahcom's voice could be heard on the other side of the door. He said that Katherine had a visitor and once she gave her consent to her guest, the door instantly swung open and Dovahcom and Abrahm stepped into the room and slammed the door shut. "Tch, those stupid reporters circling around me all day like the vultures that they are... Don't they have anything better to do then to pester me while I'm working?" Muttered Abrahm as he sat himself down and sighed in annoyance. "D-does this happen often?" Asked Kat. "Tch, the same shit happens more often than I would care for... Those bastards always ask the same damn thing and it's irritating me. I swear... They never know when to shut the hell up!!" Answered Abrahm as he slowly rubbed his tired eyes. "It must be hard ruling the city of Nadoria on your own, Sir... Always having to make sure that everything you want goes accordingly without any form of interruption... To be honest, sometimes I often wonder as to how Gabriel managed to-!" Kat immediately covered her mouth as Abrahm instantly lifted his head and turned to her as she backed herself into a corner. "I-I'm sorry! I-I'm so sorry, Sir!! I-I didn't mean to say his name aloud!!!" Said Katherine as she immediately tensed up and she quickly braced herself to be punished by him as he slowly rose up from his seat and sighed as he walked towards her and to her surprise, he hugged her... "Shh, Don't be afraid... I'm not going to hurt you, Kat. I'm not mad, I'm just a little bit upset that you said his name... Not many dare to even utter it whenever I'm around." Admitted Abrahm as he held her close and tried his very best to comfort her. "Y-you're not at all like how the others said you were... I-I always believed what they had said to be true but I guess they were wrong about you." Said Katherine as she broke the hug and sat down in a nearby chair. "What do you mean?" Asked Abrahm as he sat next to her. "The other members of the tribe often talked about all that's happened ever since you had rose to power... How you would killed all of those who opposed your power and that you ordered your own brother to be killed and turned into the Biobond... T-they called you a monster and a vile demon in disguise, wanting nothing but power... I thought it was true but now you made me realize that they were just all wrong." Answered Katherine as she told Abrahm of all that her fellow tribesmen said about him and all the terrible things that he'd done... He knew it was true but he couldn't break her trust right now, he had to sit and wait to admit that all that the tribe had said was true. "Ah, I see... Well if you don't mind me asking, Katherine. Why did you join the Baltorne tribe?" Asked Abrahm as he processed all the things that she told him. "Well... I was only an infant when the tribesmen found me on the outskirts of the woods... They took me in rather than leaving me there to die and my parents taught me the ways of the tribe and I would rarely go with my parents to greet your predecessor when he would come and visit the tribesmen." Answered Katherine as she recalled her early childhood from when she was little and sighed softly at the happy memories. "Hm, I see... And what happened after that?" Asked Abrahm as he listened in on her story and his eyes gleamed with a great amount of interest. "Time passed and we soon heard of the tragic death of your predecessor... We had hoped that both you and your brother would still continue to be our alley when you both rose into power but one day, I saw your brother, Jebodiah talking to the tribe elders and he soon joined us and then that's when I heard about the attack that took place when you came for the strange boulder that fell from the sky and crash landed into our territory." Answered Kat as she sighed and shook her head... Abrahm was silent and didn't say a single word as he vividly recalled that day.
"Hand the boulder over to me... I won't ask again!" Shouted Abrahm as he glared venomously at the cursed tribesmen who stood in his way to try and defend the strange boulder. "It's not yours to take, Valentin!!!" Shouted one of the male tribe members. "Argh, how dare you speak to me that way!? I am your leader and you will do as I say or you will die!!" Threatened Abrahm as he lifted his hand up in the air and his soldiers instantly held their weapons up and at the ready as they all awaited for their next order. "What's going on here???" Asked a familiar voice from behind the tribesmen as they slowly made a path for the person to walk through and satisfy his curiosity so he could get a closer look and see what was going on... Abrahm's blood quickly ran cold as he looked upon the familiar figure who instantly stopped in his tracks and stared in shock at him. "Y-you!?" Shouted Abrahm as he looked at the man and his entire body immediately locked up and he sneered at the very sight of his younger brother, Jebodiah. "Abrahm? W-what are you doing here??" Asked Jebodiah. "Y-you! You god damn traitor, you left me for them!!" Answered Abrahm as rage flooded his veins and he clenched his fist tightly as he was all but ready to attack his younger brother. "I-I had to get away from that place... I couldn't just stay and watch you go against all that father taught you, Brother... I couldn't find a means of escape until I finally came here and the tribe has accepted me as one of their own." Admitted Jebodiah as he hung his head down low. "Y-you... You god damn bastard!!!" Shouted Abrahm as he ordered all his men to aim their weapons at the tribesmen, ready to kill them... Then Jebodiah quickly stood in between them and the tribesmen who guarded the boulder. "No! Wait!! Don't shoot!!!" Pleaded Jebodiah as he looked at the soldiers and held his hand up high in the air as if to surrender... "Get them out of my damn way and hand over the boulder now!!!" Ordered Abrahm as he grew ever so angrier and ever so impatient as he glared at Jebodiah. "No! No!! Wait!!! Brother, please stop this!! We don't have to fight!!!" Begged Jebodiah as he slowly walked closer and closer to his dear brother until he was 5ft away from him... Abrahm sneered angrily as he glanced over at the tribe and a malicious smile began to form on his face as he looked back at his younger brother and slowly pulled out a pistol from his right pocket and held it up to Jebodiah's head. "Tch, if you won't do what I say then I'll make you... Now hand over the boulder or else!" Said Abrahm as he cocked the gun and aimed for the center of Jeb's head, right between the eyes... "You won't do it... You wouldn't dare kill your own brother, Abrahm." Cautioned Jebodiah as he lowered his hands and stared deep into his brother's eyes. Abrahm froze and his hand began to shake violently as he stared into his brother's eyes. 'H-he really thinks that I won't shoot him? Idiot, he's a fool to think that I won't dare to kill him... I'll do it! I-I swear to god, I will!! B-but why? Why can't I pull the damn trigger?? Why can't I just look away and shoot?! I-I can't move my body... What is happening?!? Why is my hand shaking??? W-what is this feeling? I want to do it but I-I can't... He's all that I have left... I can't kill him. B-but he betrayed me! H-he must die but why? W-why? W-why can't I just do it?!?!' Thought Abrahm as his hand continued to shake and his eyes twitched as he stared at his brother and within a mere fraction of a second, Jebodiah was laying on the floor in a small pool of his own blood. Abrahm looked at his brother and slowly lowered his gun as he began to zone out until he noticed one of his men that was hidden in the trees. He took the final shot... He was the one who killed Jebodiah. Abrahm looked at his hand and saw that a small amount of his brother's crimson blood had splattered onto him then Abrahm looked over at the tribesmen who just stared in sheer horror at the death of their dear comrade... Abrahm shook his head and ordered his men to kill the tribesmen and seize the boulder along with his brother's body. The screams of the tribe could be heard for miles as they were massacred and the soldiers took the boulder and Jeb's body back to the Domeplex. "What should we do with him now?" Asked one of the Smyths. "Take my brother to the cryogenic lab where he belongs and leave him there until I have a use for him." Ordered Abrahm as he slowly glanced over at his brother and scoffed in disgust as he walked away from the partly opened body bag and after a few hours of securing the odd boulder, Abrahm and his men went back to the Domeplex.
"Sir Valentin, are you alright?" Asked Kat as she noticed that Abrahm was silent and didn't move a muscle when she was done telling her story. "Yes, yes, I'm fine... I-I was just thinking of something from a long time ago." Assured Abrahm as he snapped out of his trance and looked at Kat. The duo talked for hours on end until night had fallen and Abrahm escorted Katherine to her room and told her of what she would do now that she had joined the Renegade. "Meet me in the lab upstairs tomorrow... I'll show you what I've had my men work on as of late, I think you'll like it." Said Abrahm as he bid Katherine goodnight and retired back to his bedroom and flopped onto the bed and sighed softly... "Sire, is there something on your mind?" Asked Dovahcom. "Her story is replaying over and over... The memories of what I did on that day are flooding my mind, I-I feel something... A feeling that I have never felt before... W-what is this?" Muttered Abrahm softly as he slowly sat up and looked out the window. "You seemed to have begun to develope a connection with her, Sire." Said Dovahcom as he read his master's mentality state and his vital signs... His heart was slowly skipping a beat every 5 seconds. "A Connection...? Huh? Maybe so... But it may be that my mind is messing with me." Suggested Abrahm as he took off his dovahvisor and rubbed his tired eyes and laid back down on his bed as his eyes began to close and he slowly drifted off to sleep.

"Could we really
have a Connection?"


The End

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