Chapter 8, Bloodbath

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[A/N: Chapter contains blood and gore, read at your own risk!]
[Cover image belongs to Aspen]
"Katherine, all of Nadoria have gathered together to hear your announcement in regards to Sir Valentin's kidnapping..." Informed Smyths as Katherine got ready to go and speak to the people so that they would try and help her find out as to how she could try and rescue Abrahm from the so called Savior of Nadoria... "Alright, I'm ready, let's get this over with." Said Katherine as she walked onto the balcony that overlooked the entire city and saw that so many people had gathered up to hear the news. "People of Nadoria, listen well to me for I regret to inform you all that our ruler, Abrahm Valentin has been kidnapped by someone known as 'The Savior Of Nadoria!' Should anyone know anything at all about the true identity of this person or any details in regards to his whereabouts, you are to notify either me or Smyths immediately and from this moment on, until Abrahm is to be rescued, I will be placing a nighttime curfew upon the city and if you aren't kept in your homes by midnight, you will be punished... I understand if this is a bit cruel but until Abrahm has safely returned back home, no one is allowed to wander the streets at night, at least, not unless you just want to be caught by the Biotides who will patrol the entire city. As for those whom are allied with our enemy, this is my one and only warning to you; You can only keep running for so long, you belong between a wall of wires, please retire on your knees... Please don't squirm, it will hurt even more. You can not fight me, you satisfy me, and the longer you dive, oh, so blind through the fog, we have you all surrounded by cogs... Ready for zero compromise, now open wide, no resisting the deed of our Biotide!!!"  Warned Kat as she dismissed the people and retired to Abrahm's bedroom... "Mrs. Katherine, are you alright?" Asked Dovahcom as he scanned her mind so he could check on her emotional status. "Y-yes, I'm fine, Dovahcom... I-I'm just so stressed about how I can try and find where Abrahm is being kept." Answered Katherine as she fell onto the bed and sighed in frustration. "Is there any news on the prisoner? Has he said anything significant yet??" Katherine asked as she looked at the little Dovahcare bot... "No, I'm afraid not... I'm sorry." Answered Dovahcom as he looked at the security cameras and zoomed in on the BioBond screen that was titled 'Slave to the Savior' and just watched as Smyths interrogated him in an attempt to try and get more information. "I'll ask again, what does your master want with Abrahm?!" Shouted Smyths as he slammed his fist onto the control panel and shocked the BioBond as it screeched in agony and begged for all the pain to stop... 'I-I've already told you all that I know! Please stop just this pain!! It hurts so much!!! KILL ME!!!!' Begged the BioBond as it screeched over and over and over again. He wasn't going to give them the truth and Smyths knew that but he didn't want to let this slide so easily and after many painful interrogation sessions later, they finally got all the information that was needed and killed the prisoner as a reward for his... 'Assistance'. Then night fell as Katherine paced around her room endlessly until she received a text from Smyths saying that Jebodiah wanted to talk to her. Katherine sighed as she left her room and made her way to the lab that Jebodiah was kept in... The doors slowly opened as the red luminousent light glowed bright and Katherine silently entered the chamber as the lab doors closed behind her.

"Good evening, Jebodiah!
Smyths said that you wanted to talk to me?"

"Good evening, Jebodiah!Smyths said that you wanted to talk to me?"

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