Chapter 6 (Clash of Powers)

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Previous Scene:

Boboiboy and his friends, along with Kokochi and Kaizo, finally discovered the source of the prison's disturbance: a cell break involving the most dangerous prisoner in the TAPOPS Prison, Tetsuya Wataregane. Imprisoned for destroying his own tribe, Tetsuya now harbors a dark, paranormal force that threatens to annihilate TAPOPS. Complicating matters further, Hebi Kiomono, an alien and member of the gang that hypothesized Tetsuya, teleported them to another dimension when Boboiboy tried to attack. Now, our heroes must find a way to defeat Tetsuya.

Chapter 6: Clash of Powers

Tetsuya (Dark) smirked, his eyes gleaming with dark energy. "Just wait. I'll show you my real power."

Gopal, trembling slightly, blurted, "No way! You mean you have more power than that?"

"Jeez what does he think of himself? Arrogant punk" Ying, with an annoyed face to particularly nobody.

Tetsuya's grin widened. "What do you think?"

Boboiboy stepped forward. "I haven't revealed my full power either."

Captain Kaizo nodded. "Yeah, Boboiboy has powers you can't even imagine." 

Makes Boboiboy blush a little

Tetsuya laughed. "We'll see. Let the battle prove it."

Fang groaned. "Ugh, you're so annoying."

Boboiboy turned to Kaizo, whispering urgently. "I have a plan. We'll start with a diversion to test his abilities, then move to a coordinated ranged attack. If that doesn't work, we'll close the distance with simultaneous close combat strikes. If he withstands that, we'll unleash our super attacks in formation to overwhelm him. And if all else fails, I have a Plan B involving a trap."

Captain Kaizo nodded. "Got it."

With a swift motion, Kaizo shouted, "ENERGY SHURIKEN!" He hurled glowing shurikens toward Tetsuya.

Tetsuya deftly dodged most of the shurikens. As Kaizo kept Tetsuya occupied, Boboiboy Thunderstorm suddenly appeared behind Tetsuya and unleashed his THUNDER SPHERE. But Tetsuya seemed like he just teleported away just in time with ease.

Boboiboy cursed under his breath. "Jeez! You're fast."

Captain Kaizo lunged forward, attacking with his blade, ignoring Boboiboy's plea to stick to the plan.

"Hey Captain! what about the plan?" Boboiboy called out, frustrated 

Receiving no response, Boboiboy transformed into Thunderstorm and charged at Tetsuya, attacking with his blade.

Tetsuya began his hand rotation technique again, but Boboiboy was ready. "Not this time!" he shouted, creating a Thunder Sphere with his other hand and striking Tetsuya, sending shocks through him.

Captain Kaizo seized the moment. "ENERGY CUBE!" he yelled, summoning a massive cube that trapped Tetsuya inside, then began to shrink it. "Now you'll be crushed into pieces."

Tetsuya attempted to teleport out, but the attempt failed. "What was that?" he demanded.

Captain Kaizo smirked. "No teleportation works in that cube."

Fang taunted, "You underestimated my brother, didn't you? Now what will you say about that?"

Tetsuya's eyes narrowed. "I still underestimate your weakling brother."

Captain Kaizo growled, "Why you!" and accelerated the cube's shrinking.

Tetsuya (Dark) drew the sword he borrowed from the figure in the prison. "Netherblade Slash!" he bellowed, breaking the cube into pieces. "Now what will you say?"

Boboiboy, despite himself, muttered, "Awesome....." A bitter chuckle escaped him as he realized he had severely underestimated his opponent. 

Captain Kaizo's stubbornness did not waver. "AMBER MODE," he announced, his energy surging into an orange theme. His mask evolved, making him look quite the cool guy.

Boboiboy sighed. "Oh, c'mon, Captain, you're not listening to me."

Captain Kaizo ignored him. "AMBER ENERGY BLADE SLASH!" he shouted, attacking with renewed vigor.

"You are so annoying,"
As Tetsuya raised his right hand, it began to crackle with blue lightning.
"Vol'thar Rai!

His hand became engulfed in a swirling mass of, what looked like, dark blue and sky blue birds, each a tiny silhouette. The feathered flock slowly merged together to form a sharp, electrifying edge.

Captain Kaizo barely dodged that and thought to himself afterwards, with fear evident in his face, ensuring us that the attack indeed would've caused lethal damaged if not death when hit.

"Phew. I would've been long gone. Lucky day ey Boboiboy? What was the plan again?"

Boboiboy's eyes widened in shock. "Ain't no way! He can control lightning too?"

Captain Kaizo and Boboiboy exchanged a glance, understanding the stakes had just risen. They had to dig deeper, push harder. The fate of TAPOPS depended on their ability to outmatch this fearsome foe. The battle raged on....

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