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You'd been walking for awhile in silence after your argument. Slowly a large stone wall that acted as a fence around the town of Rhodes came into view. "Is that where we're trying to get to?" The golden guard nodded. You looked up at the sun, it was not in the middle of the sky yet, "well, you got your wish." The golden guard also looked up and nodded "That's because you had to get me in danger." You rolled your eyes, ignoring how selfish and entitled he acted. You picked up your pace, half wishing to get away from him, but he also picked up his pace after you.

You reached the stone wall, and heard the quiet sound of music and cheering from the middle of the town. You quickly realised what was happening. "Oh my titan! We have to go into the middle of the town!" The golden guard gazed at you, "We are not going into the middle of town just to listen to music and watch people dance." He growled. "No! There will be food and supplies there! Most likely on sale too! It's a festival!" You began walking toward the music before your were stopped by a firm hand on your shoulder. "I'm not sure if you haven't realised, but the ropes around your wrists cause people to stare." He turned you to look into his mask. "Then untie them!" You spoke with a pleas, "Don't you want to get to the deals?" You ran a hard bargain. "Fine, but i'm not untying you, I don't care about the looks." He mumbled, sounding like he was more so reassuring himself then telling you.

The two of you walked toward the centre of town, the music getting louder by the second. "We're only going in to get supplies, don't bother asking to do other things that will distract us." The golden guard looked at you, an expression you couldn't read behind his mask. "Fine!" You spoke as the two of entered the middle of town.

Colours, everywhere, it was amazing. Flags hung on ropes overhanging alleys and pathways, chalk drawings expanded over the cobblestone paths, in a wild range of magical colours. A band was playing music as many people danced in unison around them. Stalls of food and other trinkets lined the centre, the covers that protected the people inside the stalls from the heat were also coloured beautifully. In the middle of it all, sat a fountain, spraying out water in an array, kids threw coins into it and sat on the edge of it. You were amazed.

"Oh- wow! Look!" You smiled as you walked behind the golden guard, looking at everything you could with a wide smile. "Stay focused." He said sternly before continuing his scan of stalls. Before you could follow his lead, a little girl holding a flag ran past you, an idea popped into your mind. "Hey!" You called to the little girl. She turned and looked at you with a questioning smile. You quickly looked over your shoulder, the golden guard was still walking, thinking you were behind him. "Do you think you could untie these ropes?" You asked, turning and showing your restraints to the little girl. She nodded and put her hands up to the rope and began to tug and pull, eventually getting the ropes untied. "Thank you!" You smiled down at her. She only laughed and skipped away. You looked over at the dancing people, the music picked up almost as if it was calling you, and you didn't reject the calling.

You strayed over to the dancing, and shrugged the sleeping bags off your shoulders. You walked close to the circle and felt someone grab you and pull you in. It was man, older then you by a bit. You smiled up at him as he flung you out and the dance changed partners. You quickly got the feel of the dance. You spun and danced with the person you had been passed to, before extending your arms out and switching again. A short haired brunette girl, with round ears danced, slightly out of rhythm with the music but you round it funny and danced awkwardly with her before being passed out again. You spun and skipped to the music, being swung from person to person with a smile. The feeling was euphoric. Cheering was heard from the crowd who were watching the dancing as you spun with your arms out, a wide smile on your face. You heard a shout from over the dancing crowd. "Y/N!" It was the golden guard, he had obviously seen you, without the ropes tied around your wrists. You looked in the direction of the shout and saw him standing there, you smiled greatly and left the crowd, straying toward the boy.

"Y/N! what do you think you are doing-" You cut him off by shrugging the satchel off his shoulder and grabbing his hands. "Come dance!" You pulled him into the dancing crowd and spun. He watched you awkwardly, "Y/N, we don't have time to dance, and your restraints!" He growled as you grabbed his hands and forced him to move with you. "It doesn't matter, let's just enjoy ourselves!" "I don't even know how to dance." He shyly admitted with a huff. "Just follow my lead!" You spun with him, not changing partners with anyone. Your legs stepped with the rhythm, the golden guard awkwardly following your lead in sloppy movements.

The two of you danced, you smiling and laughing as you were pulled away from him by another person, the same happening to him. You looked in the direction of him, to notice he was already looking at you. You offered him an empathic smile as partners were switched again. You'd try to make it back to him, for his own sake. You skipped and swung yourself to the next person, and again to the next. You saw him again dancing with a worried looking navy haired girl. You laughed and spun outwardly, extending your arms as you went to partner with him. You grabbed on his hands, holding them up between you just as the music stopped on the last note.

The crowd cheered, you smiled at him and pulled him out of the crowd, slinging the sleeping bags back over your shoulders, him doing the same with your satchel.

"I'm not impressed Y/N." He crossed his arms. "Oh please, you had to enjoy it!" He only shook his head. The music started up again behind you, but you decided you had had enough dancing for today. "Where is the rope?" You pulled it out of your pocket and smiled at him, placing your hands out in front of you. He grabbed the rope from your grasp and looked down at you wrists. "I'd prefer it if you tied my hands in front of me." You chuckled. He looked up at you for a moment before forcing your wrists together in front of you and tying them with the rope.

"Let's get out of here before you do something stupid again." He snapped, grabbing your arm and pulling you away from the centre of the town.

You smiled and hummed the song that had been playing in the town square as you two walked down a cobblestone alley. You looked over at the golden guard who held a map. "Ooh!" You slowed down your pace to walk next to him, looking over his shoulder at the map. He pointed to mark labelled Rhodes on the map. "We're here," and he dragged his finger along the map up to a city labelled Bonesborough. "And we need to get here." You examined the map from over his shoulder, you hadn't realised how big the boiling isles really were. "You weren't wrong when you said we would be walking for a few days." You hummed, turning your attention back to the path in front of you.

"Let's just try to get to..." He scanned the map, and pointed to a mark not too far from Rhodes, it had a creek next to it labelled 'Stillwater creek'. "Here." You nodded. "We will settle there for the night."

Tacenda - The Golden Guard x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now