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The two you had been walking through the marsh for hours now, into the afternoon, the humidity hitting a high as you tried to walk around patches of wet mud to your best work. The golden guard was ahead of you, pushing branches out of the way for you two. He hadn't tied your wrists together with that coarse strand of rope, which you were very grateful for. You looked down your wrists, to the strained area and mumbled, the pale area of it showed the tan you were getting.

You watched as the golden guard pushed a branch away from his head, before it slipped from his grip and slammed back into his head.

You stifled a laugh as he put a hand up to the top of his cloak covered head. He rubbed for a second before mumbling "that was not a laughing matter." before continuing his walking. "You poor thing." You laughed and walked to his side. He gave you a look, you definitely think he did, through the mask before continuing his strong walk.

Mud piled on the bottom of your shoes, much to your annoyance, and the golden guard had flung his cloak around his shoulders a few times, imitating a scarf. "At this point we will be walking forever." He groaned. "Well, at least you get to walk with me, Goldie." You laughed, trying to lift his mood. He mumbled something inaudible before pushing another branch out of the way.

"Don't be so pessimistic, we can always take a break." You added to your previous point. "There's no time for breaks, not when we need to get out of this forest before we get attacked by something." He huffed out at you, his usual nicer tone disappeared mostly likely because he was hungry and angry. You hadn't thought about the possibility of getting attacked by something yet, but the thought made you uneasy.

You turned you entire attention to him, not looking at the scenery in front of you. "Well, with your amazing skills, there is no way we could get hurt by something." You laughed, knowing flattery usually lifted a persons mood. Swiftly the golden guard wrapped a hand around your waist and pulled you to him. Your faced flushed red as you looked up to him. "Yeah, you with your lack of direction we will definitely make it out of here faster." He huffed. You realised the reason you were pulled to him was because you were about to run into a tree. You groaned audibly, "are you mocking my navigation skills?" "Yes." The golden guard replied with a chuckle.

The two of you stumbled upon the edge of a still river, who knew the things that lived in that water?, providing a small clearing on the bank.

"I don't think we will be making it out of here anytime soon, we need to recollect and rest, the horrible feeling of travelling without direction has caught up to us." The boy walked along the bank, patting the dirt with his foot to see if it was dry. He finally found a dry patch of land, the sun could be seen slowly slipping. He threw your bag down, you let the sleeping bags fall from your shoulders.

"I'm starving." He groaned taking a piece of bread he had bought awhile ago in Rhodes out of the bag, he broke off a bit and tossed it to you, which you ate quickly. "I bought meat for us to cook as well, so we can cook that tonight." He added has he ate the bread.

You hummed as you looked out into the water, ripples slowly strayed down the still body of water, you could see the shadows of fish under the surface swim lazily. You watched as the golden guard removed his cloak, the blonde hair you admire being revealed, he folded it and tucked it away in your bag. "It's too hot for that damn thing." He grumbled, which you responded with a chuckle. You keep your gaze glued to his hair, it looked soft, you wanted to reach your hand out to feel it so badly, but you knew you couldn't without creating an awkward tension.

"We should probably get things ready for a fire tonight, I'll collect rocks if you can get wood." You wiped your hands off on your clothing before nodding. "I love wood duty." You commented, the golden guard responding in a stare.

You strayed off into the marshy-forest, humming a slow tune as you surveyed the surrounding wood. The experience you had last time the last time you were in a forest still shook you, the wind, the howling, the falling sound of metal, whispers, it all made you uncomfortable but you still didn't understand and had no explanation for the experience. You huffed as you thought to mama otie's words as well. The Blood? What did she mean, what is The Blood, is someone going to get hurt? Is it something to do with your own blood? And why will you find out when "You're ready."

Mama otie was very cryptic with her speech, and a part of it enticed you. You let your mind wonder, picking up any wood that can be put into a fire and last, you grabbed two smaller sticks so you could cook the meet over the fire tonight as-well.

The air suddenly turned oddly cold around you, shuffling could be heard and soft whispers joined it. Your body tensed as you turned quickly, abandoning any wood you could've added to the pile.

You keep alert as you walked back to your situated camp, flinging the pile of wood onto the ground near the main area.

Lucky for you the whispered stopped, and the usual sounds of nature returned to their rightful place.

You looked around, oddly enough the golden guard was not back, maybe it was difficult to find rocks? But then again rocks layered the bank. You decided that the boy was being an over achiever, once again, and was trying to find the perfect rocks, if that was even a thing.

As you kneeled and began to unravel the sleeping bags you heard a shout in the distance. Lifting up your head you heard the same shout, and immediately jumped to your feet. You knew that shout, that voice from anywhere.

The golden guard is in trouble.

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