Chapter 2: Turned Back Time?

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Cale slowly opened his eyes and saw nothing but darkness. Pure darkness with no light in it. Not even a little.

It made Cale laugh.

"I'm dead? Haha... Of course, I'm dead."

Cale tried to stand up but weirdly he felt no ground below him, not even when he was laying down. His back felt empty. It was like, he was floating in the universe with no star in it.

"Am I stuck here forever?"

Cale's voice echoed as he spoke out, just like he was standing in the middle of the hall without anyone near him.

Also, he don't feel anything at all. Pain, dizziness, sleepiness, hotness, coldness and anything that possible to feel, emotions, he can't feel any of those things.

He felt empty? No... He does mourn his beloved death but he can't any longer feel the pain. He felt sad but no tears had been shed. Just.... Nothing?

Looking at the pure darkness makes him feel empty but not really empty just an indescribable feeling.

Cale sighed before tightly closing his eyes. At that moment, sleepiness suddenly overwhelmed Cale makes him lose consciousness instantly.



Cale flinched as soon as he feels winds pass through him gave the coldness all over his body. Not only that, but he was also able to hear the sound of leaves fluttered as the wind blows it softly.

As Cale can remember, he is dead. He went to the afterlife that had no wind, tree, or anything living in it. It was only pure darkness. But now, the wind and the sound of leaves make Cale feel alive.

Isn't this kinda cruel? To give the dead the feeling to be alive?

Is the dead like him even capable to feel?

Cale sighed. He still had no desire to open his eyes. Even if he opened it up, all he can see is pure darkness, the same as closing eyes.

So why bother to open it up?

However, something showed up that makes Cale have no choice but to open his eyes.

It was the ancient power, super rock's voice.

–Cale? Oh god, Cale, you are still alive! Thank god!

It made Cale petrified. The first thing that he saw was the man-eating tree that already turned white. That means someone already took the ancient power in it.

It was none other than him.

It was hard to believe that he was still alive. He remembered exactly how he was unable to feel his lower body and how blood keep pouring out of his mouth. He also remembered the pain that he felt caused by the explosion of his embrace power.

He remembered seeing his family die in front of his eyes. So how can he still be alive now?!

"What had happen?!"

Cale looked at the outfit that he was wearing, it was the same as the day when he got the indestructible shield.

–Cale, you suddenly look younger.

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